Train as Secondary School Teachers




Bachelor of Design and Technology Education Honours Degree (BDTechEd (Hons) (Conventional) 

Applications are invited from qualified candidates wishing to enrol for the full-time four-year programme. 

Subject Options 

  • Applied Art and Design
  • Clothing, Textile and Fashion Design
  • Design and Technology

 Entry requirements

  • Two ‘A’ Level passes including the relevant subject of specialization or its equivalent.
  • Five ‘O’ Level passes including English Language and Mathematics.


Bachelor of Science Education Honours Degree (BScEd Hons) (Conventional) 

Applications are invited from qualified candidates wishing to enrol for the full-time four year programme.

 Subject Options

  • Accounting and Business Studies
  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Computer Science
  • Mathematics and Statistics
  • Physics

 Entry requirements

  • Two ‘A’ Level passes including the relevant subject of specialization or its equivalent
  • Five ‘O’ Level passes including English Language and Mathematics.


Bachelor of Technology Education Honours Degree (BTechEd Hons) (Conventional) 

Applications are invited from qualified candidates wishing to enrol for the full-time four year programme. 

Subject Options 

  • Civil and Construction Engineering
  • Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
  • Technical Graphics
  • Wood Science and Technology
  • Electrical and Electronics Engineering

 Entry requirements 

  • Two ‘A’ Level passes including the relevant subject of specialization or its equivalent.
  • Five ‘O’ Level passes including English Language and Mathematics.


Admission into the above programmes will be subject to adequate numbers of applicants qualifying to make a class. 

A non-refundable application fee of ZWL$200, must accompany the Application Form.

Applicants should attach CERTIFIED copies of the following:

  1. a) Birth Certificate 
  2. b) National Registration Identity Card 
  3. c) Relevant academic and/or professional Certificates and Transcripts 
  4. d) Detailed Curriculum Vitae, which should include names and addresses of two referees 
  5. e) Full contact details: home and work landline telephone numbers, cell numbers and email address(es) 

The Application Forms can be obtained from:

The Senior Assistant Registrar, Admissions and Students Records, NUST, Gwanda Road/Cecil Avenue, P. O. Box AC 939, Ascot, Bulawayo. Telephone 09-282842/39/58; 289557; 284231; Fax: 09-286803, Or The NUST Information Office in HARARE, at ZIMDEF House, 18572 OFF Mother Patrick Avenue, Rotten Row. Phone 04-794848, or may be downloaded from this LINK

Please note that ALL HARARE APPLICANTS are required to deposit their application fees of $200 to the following bank: FBC Jason Moyo Branch, Bulawayo, Account Number 3120068620276, before collecting application forms from the NUST Harare office.


The closing date for applications is 23 October 2020

Connect with us

National University of Science & Technology
PO Box AC 939, Ascot, Bulawayo
Tel: +263 292 282842
Fax: +263 292 286803



Banking Details

Account name: National University of Science and Technology
Bank: ZB Bank
USD Account number: 437200035542405
ZWG Account number: 437200035542090
Swift Code: ZBCOZWHX
Account name: National University of Science and Technology
Bank name: FBC Bank
USD Account number: 4820068620666
ZWG Account number: 3120068620276
Branch name: Jason Moyo
Swift code: FBCZPWHAX
Account name: National University of Science and Technology
Bank name: BancABC
USD Account number: 54790116633330
ZWG Account number: 54790115502019
Branch name: Jason Moyo
Swift Code: FMBZZWHX


The National University of Science and Technology (NUST) is committed to protecting your personal information. All personal data is handled confidentially in compliance with the Cyber and Data Protection Act [Chapter 12:07]. While the provision of personal information (including but not limited to name, address, and email address) on this website is generally voluntary, when provided, such information will be protected and will not be disclosed to third parties without your explicit consent.