Proposed Student Representative Council (SRC) Elections

Proposed Student Representative Council (SRC) Elections for the 2020-2021 Academic Year

To: All Registered NUST Students

From: The Student Representative Council Office

Date: 11 January 2021

Subject: Proposed Student Representative Council (SRC) Elections for the 2020 Academic Year

Dear All,

Greetings to you all! 

We the SRC in consultation with Division of Students Affairs (DSA) have the pleasure to advise the student body that due to the Corona Virus pandemic (Covid – 19) that requires certain protocols to be adhered to, the SRC Office is unable to congregate all students and conduct the SRC elections as is the tradition.  We are therefore using this communiqué as an opinion survey for all students to give input.  We present the following three options: 

The brief background which is an added advantage to the recently expired term of office of SRC bearers is that most of the office-bearers are still students in session and pursuing their degree programmes except for the outgoing President and the Vice President. So the rest are still bonafide students.

Thanking you for your cooperation. 

Sincerely Yours, 

For and on Behalf of Mr Innocent T Dombo 


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PO Box AC 939, Ascot, Bulawayo
Tel: +263 292 282842
Fax: +263 292 286803



Banking Details

Account name: National University of Science and Technology
Bank: ZB Bank
USD Account number: 437200035542405
ZWG Account number: 437200035542090
Swift Code: ZBCOZWHX
Account name: National University of Science and Technology
Bank name: FBC Bank
USD Account number: 4820068620666
ZWG Account number: 3120068620276
Branch name: Jason Moyo
Swift code: FBCZPWHAX
Account name: National University of Science and Technology
Bank name: BancABC
USD Account number: 54790116633330
ZWG Account number: 54790115502019
Branch name: Jason Moyo
Swift Code: FMBZZWHX


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