Dr. Doris Chasokela
- Courses: 0
- Website: https://www.nust.ac.zw/fste
Title and Full Name
Mrs. Doris Chasokela
Senior lecturer
Contact Details
Email: [email protected]
Education including Awards and Honours
Master of Engineering in Electrical Systems Control & Information Technology, Southwest Jiao tong University, CHINA 2012
Bachelor of Technical Education in Electrical & Electronic Engineering, NUST, ZIMBABWE 2009
Diploma in Technical Vocational Education, Gweru Polytechnic, ZIMBABWE 2005
National Certificate in Automobile Electrics, Harare Institute of Technology, ZIMBABWE 2000
Class One Skilled Manpower Development in Automobile Electrics 2000
Book prize for Distinction in communication (Diploma in Tech Voc)
Work History (Public/Private Sectors)
National University of Science and Technology 2012 till date
Joshua Mqabuko Nkomo Polytechnic: May 2003 – August 2010
Foundation Technical College: January 2001 – April 2003
International Work Experience
Membership in Professional Organizations
Member of Women Techmakers Global International Event Series
Member of the African Women in Higher Education Network (WoHEN)
Member of the Association of African Universities (AAU)
Research Interests
Engineering Education, Higher education, Artificial Intelligence, Control, e-learning
Research Groups/Consortia
Publications, Research Projects, Exhibitions, Conferences, etc.
- Chitura, P. and Chasokela, D. (2020) CAD Practical Skills in Textile Technology and Design (TTD): Developing Entrepreneurship Skills using CAD IN TTD. Lambert Academic Publishing (2020-09-08) ISBN-13:9878-620-2-78835-9
- Vera, T.J., Chasokela, D. and Chimbani, L. (2021) Metal Technology and Design Form 1: Introduction to new Curriculum Secondary Metal Technology and Design. Lambert Academic Publishing (2021) ISBN-978-620-4-20174-0(SECONDARY)
- Chasokela, D. and Tshuma, L.S. Digital Electronics for undergraduates. Lambert Academic Publishing (2022)
- Shava, G.N. and Chasokela D. (2020) So Few Women in Leadership Positions. DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-43042-9_46-1. The Education System of Africa (pp1-15). Springer.
- Manokore, K.; Tlou, F.; Mkwelie, N.; Phuthi , N.; Shava, G.N.; Mhlanga, E.; Mangena, A.; Sibanda, Z. and Chasokela, D. (2022) Quality Higher Education for Sustainable Development: The Transition towards Achieving Agenda 2030 Global Goals 1. International Journal of Latest Research in Humanities and Social Science (IJLRHSS) Volume 05 - Issue 02, 2022 www.ijlrhss.com || PP. 09-21 9 | Page www.ijlrhss.com
- Muzari, T., Chasokela, D. and Sithole, A. (2022) Computer Integrated Manufacturing sub-systems in Technical and Vocational Education and Training: A bewilderment for Stakeholders in Polytechnics in Zimbabwe. Indiana Journal of Humanities and Social, 3(3). IJHSS-154-2022. ISSN NO- 2582-8630
- Chasokela, D. (2022) "Fuzzy PI based motor speed control using DSP TMS320f2812". International Journal of Latest Research in Humanities and Social Science (IJLRHSS). Article id HSS-1288-
- Chasokela, D., Muzari, T. And Lister Tshuma (2022) Intelligent Condition Monitoring of a ball roller bearing. Indiana Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 3(4). IJHSS-165-2022. ISSN NO- 2582-8630
- Mhlanga, E., Tlou, F.N., Shava, G., Phuthi, N., Manokore, K., Sibanda, Z., Chasokela, D., Mpofu, M. and Sibanda, L. (2022) Barriers to the implementation of Agenda 2030 United Nations Global Goals in the Zimbabwean Higher Education Context. International of Latest Research in Humanities and Social Science (IJLRHSS), 5(5), 2022. www.ijlrhss.comPP.01-10
- Chasokela, D., Tshuma, L.S., Matshe, K. and Sibanda, M. (2022) Load shedding battery cut-off circuit for the solar-powered system. Indiana Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2(4). Manuscript No. IJMR-28-2021. ISSN No. 2583-3820
- Chasokela, D., Tshuma, L.S., Matshe, K. and Sibanda, M. (2022) Password-based door locking system. Indiana Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2(4). Manuscript No. IJMR-27-2021. ISSN No. 2583-3820 (Jul-Aug 2022).
- Chasokela, D., Matshe, K., Paringa, P. (2022) A GSM Based Energy Meter using Arduino via SMS. International Journal of Latest Research in Humanities and Social Science (IJLRHSS)
- Sithole, A., Hahlani, O., Chasokela, D. (2023) The Review of Civic Hygienic Amenities Functionality: A Situation Study of public Universities and Polytechnics in Zimbabwe. International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 15(3): 423-431.
- Chasokela, D., Masoabi, C. S. (2023) An Examination of LMS Integration for 21st Century Competencies in a Zimbabwean Higher Education. Conference Abstracts & Proceedings of ADVED 2023- 9th International Conference on Advances in Education Pages 95-101.
- Chasokela, D., Makura, H.A. (2023) The Possible Impact of Technology Integration on 21st-Century Skills during the Covid-19 Pandemic Era. Conference Abstracts & Proceedings of ADVED 2023- 9th International Conference on Advances in Education Page 89-94.
- Chasokela, D., Moyo, F. (2024) Barriers Facing Engineering Graduates Towards Employability: The Zimbabwean Context. Book Building Resiliency in Higher Education: Globalization, Digital Skills, and Student Wellness. Pages 38-54. Publisher IGI Global.
- Chasokela, D., Mpofu, S. (2024) Towards Addressing 21st-Century Digital Transformation Skills: The Zimbabwean Higher Education Context. Book Building Resiliency in Higher Education: Globalization, Digital Skills, and Student Wellness Pages 424-442. Publisher IGI Global.
- Chasokela, D., Shava, G.N., Mpofu, S. (2024) Challenges and Opportunities of Learning Management System Integration from a Zimbabwean University Perspective. Book Building Resiliency in Higher Education: Globalization, Digital Skills, and Student Wellness. Pages 73-98. Publisher IGI Global.
- Shava, G. N., Chasokela, D., Mangena, A, Shava, N. (2024). “Barriers to Access, Equity, Success and Inclusion to Higher Education, the Zimbabwean Context". Acta Scientific Computer Sciences 6.5 (2024): 31-38.
11 Book chapters undergoing review
Upcoming 10 full book chapters
- Chasokela, D. (2017). Improving the efficiency of teaching practice supervision in the 21st century. Paper presented at the Solusi University in conjunction with Edu-Global International Educational Consultants Co. Conference 2017. Solusi University. Zimbabwe 22nd-23rd March 2017. Self-funded.
- Chasokela, D. (2017). ‘An investigation into the perception of educational technology application in the classroom by teachers in the Bulawayo Central District Schools’ Paper presented at the Southern African Society for Education (SASE) 43rd Annual International Conference. 28th-30th of September 2017. Kwazulu Natal Province, Richards Bay, South Africa.
- Chitura, P. and Chasokela, D. (2019). An assessment on the effectiveness of using computer-aided design in developing entrepreneurship skills at A’ Level textiles technology and design. A case of Bulawayo metropolitan high schools. Paper presented at the 7th NUST annual research day. 20-21 June 2019 at the National University of Science and Technology. Bulawayo. Zimbabwe.
- Chasokela, D., Masoabi, C.S. and Makura, A.H. (2019). Framework for implementing stem learning technologies to alleviate students’ challenges of the 21st century skills in South African and Zimbabwean universities. Paper presented at the Annual Prestige Research Seminar. 21st October 2019 at Central University of Technology. Japie Van Lill, Bloemfontein, Free State, South Africa.
- Chasokela, D., Masoabi, C.S. and Makura,, A.H. (2020). Technology integration impact on the 21st-century Skills amid COVID-19. A case study of the STEM University, Bulawayo Province, Zimbabwe. Paper presented at the 5th Annual International Conference on Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) in higher education. 9th of October 2020 at Central University of Technology. Bloemfontein, Free State, South Africa.
- Chasokela D., Masoabi, C.S. and Makura, A.H. (2022). An Assessment on the Effect of COVID-19 Induced E-Learning on Students’ Academic Performance. A Case of a Higher Learning Institution in Zimbabwe. Theme: Re-inventing higher education: insights, trends, and lessons learned from COVID-19.Mangosuthu University of Technology. 2022 Focus Conference: The premier Teaching and Learning conference. 17 – 19 August 2022.
- Chasokela, D., Makura, A.H. (2023). “The Possible Impact of Technology Integration on 21st-Century Skills during the Covid-19 Pandemic Era” for ADVED 2023- 9th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCES IN EDUCATION- 16-17 October, 2023
- Chasokela, D. Masoabi, C. S. (2023). “An Examination of LMS Integration for 21st-Century Competencies In A Zimbabwean Higher Education” for ADVED 2023- 9th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCES IN EDUCATION- 16-17 October, 2023
- Chasokela, D. and Masoabi, C. S. (2024). Students’ 21st-century skill challenges: Zimbabwean higher education. The International Conference on Education and New Developments. END 2024 - Education and New Developments 2024 in Porto, Portugal 15-17 June 2024. Virtual presentation on page 14: https://endeducationconference.org/wpcontent/uploads/2024/06/Conference_Program_END2024.pdf
- Chasokela, D. and Tshuma, L. (2024). Integration of AI Tutoring Systems to Personalise Learning for Students. Facilitator: Frederick Mavunduse, Campus Librarian, University of Johannesburg Library. University of Johannesburg Library International Conference - Information Required - 11&12 June 2024. 14h20 – 15h45 DIALOGUE: Theme: Student Perspectives on AI. Zoom link to join: https://zoom.us/j/98505788734
Programme: https://ujlibraryevents.co.za/conference-2024/#programme-2024
Community Service/Engagement
- 2024 ASAPbio fellow April to September: https://asapbio.org/2024-asapbio-fellows
- I am a reviewer in the South African Journal of Education.2024
- I am also a selected Reviewer for Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal which is a well-reputed Journal under subject codes EDU, EEE, EID, ELE, RMS, ROB.2022 to date
- NUST member of the Research and Intellectual Expo
- NUST member of Termination of Studies (Appeals)
- Yearly donation to an orphanage