Professor Lwazi Sibanda

Executive Dean


PhD in Education, Master of Education in Educational Management, Bachelor of Education in Educational Administration, Planning and Policy Studies, and Diploma in Education.
Lwazi Sibanda, is the Executive Dean and Associate Professor in the Faculty of Science and Technology Education. She holds Doctor of Philosophy in Education from University of Fort Hare, South Africa. Her other qualifications include Master of Education in Educational Management from Midlands State University, Bachelor of Education in Educational Administration, Planning and Policy Studies and Diploma in Education from University of Zimbabwe. She specialised in Education Management and is involved in teacher education.

She teaches education courses (modules) to undergraduate and postgraduate students. She supervises undergraduate research projects and postgraduate dissertations and theses at Master’s and Doctoral levels. Her research interest is on education management, leadership and supervision, inclusive education, teacher education, curriculum design and implementation, assessment, quality and equity in education, guidance and counselling, classroom management, positive discipline, transformative pedagogy and improving instructional delivery in all levels of education. She is an external examiner for Master’s and Doctoral theses from international universities. She is also an external assessor for Academic Staff Promotions for international universities.  

She has published quite a number of journal articles and book chapters individually and collaboratively including book editing. Prof Sibanda has also presented conference papers locally and internationally. She is a member of the journal editorial board and has reviewed various manuscripts from a number of journals and book chapters from international publishers. As part of community engagement, Prof Sibanda is a member of various university committees. Prof Sibanda also works with various public institutions and Non-Governmental Organisations as part of her community engagement.  She is an institutional focal person for UNESCO-Capacity Building Programme for Teacher Educators on Education for Sustainable Development (CAP-ESD). She is also a member of Education Coalition of Zimbabwe (ECOZ) (Matabeleland North Chapter).

Prof Sibanda is a member of International Institute of Chartered Educational Practitioners (IICEP). She is a ZIMCHE Peer Reviewer for Academic and Institutional Audits, and has been a team leader. She has been awarded certificates of excellence in reviewing research activities and participation in conferences; certificate by UNESCO in collaboration with Rhodes University for Education for Sustainable Development Leadership and Practice in Teacher Education and membership certificate for International Institute of Chartered Educational Practitioners.
Published papers
    1. Chikusvura, N., Sibanda, L. & Mathwasa, J. (2021). The Competence-Based Advanced Level Mathematics Curriculum: Implications for Students’ Enrolment in one University in Zimbabwe. Randwick International of Education and Linguistics Science (RIELS) Journal, 2(1), 8-19.
    2. Chikusvura, N., Nkomo, S. & Sibanda, L. (2022). Transition to Virtual Graduation: Experiences of 2021 University Graduates in Zimbabwe. Randwick International of Education and Linguistics Science (RIELS) Journal, 3(3), 497-503.
    3. Manokore K, Sibanda L., Shava G., Mangena A, Muzari T, Sibanda Z. and Mkwelie N. (2023) Integrating Child Art as a Pedagogical Strategy for Teaching Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics at Early Childhood Development Level in Bulawayo Central District, Zimbabwe, British Journal of Multidisciplinary and Advanced Studies: English Lang., Teaching, Literature, Linguistics & Communication, 4(5),1-20.
    4. Mathwasa, J. & Sibanda, L. (2020). Constraints Affecting Men’s Participation in Early Childhood Education (ECE): Implications for Intervention. Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 17(4), 188-203.
    5. Midzi, S., Sibanda, L. & Mathwasa, J. (2021). Provision of Quality Education in Private Schools: Reflective Practices in Low-Cost Private Secondary Schools in Bulawayo Metropolitan Province. European Journal of Social Sciences Studies, 6(2), 142-162.
    6. Mlalazi, L. (2015). Implementation of Strategies Used to Maintain Positive Discipline in Secondary Schools in Bulawayo Metropolitan Province, Zimbabwe: Towards A Holistic Positive Discipline Management Model
    7. Mlalazi, L., Rembe, S. & Shumba, J. (2016). Implementation of Guidance and Counselling as a Positive Discipline Management Strategy in Bulawayo Metropolitan Province Secondary Schools. Journal of Social Sciences, 47(3), 191-205.
    8. Mlalazi, L., Rembe, S. & Shumba, J. (2016). Implementation of Code of Conduct as a Positive Discipline Management Strategy in Bulawayo Metropolitan Province Secondary Schools. International Journal of Educational Sciences, 15 (3), 444-460.

    1. Moyo, C, & Sibanda, L. (2018). An assessment of strategies that enhance the teaching and learning of Business Studies at Advanced Level in Imbizo District of Bulawayo Metropolitan Province. Journal of Education and Practice, 9(30),108-118.
    2. Moyo, M. & Sibanda, L. (2023). Teachers and Learners’ Experiences of Implementing Blended Learning During COVID-19 Pandemic Lockdown in Mangwe District, Zimbabwe. International Journal of Education Humanities and Social Science, 6(3), 106-117.
    3. Mwangu, E. C. & Sibanda, L. (2017). Teaching Biology practical lessons in secondary schools: A case study of five Mzilikazi District Secondary Schools in Bulawayo Metropolitan Province, Zimbabwe. Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 6(3):47-55.
    4. Nani, G. & Sibanda, L. (2019). Choice of Practical Subjects: Is It Still a Gendered Phenomenon? A Case of Selected Co-educational Secondary Schools in Bulawayo Metropolitan Province, Zimbabwe. Journal of Educational and Social Research, 9(3),1-10.>journals>jesr>9>3>jesr.9.issue-3.xml
    5. Nani, G. & Sibanda, L. (2020). Online Home Schooling: Are Parents Ready? Lessons from the Corona Virus Disease Induced Lock Down. Randwick International of Education and Linguistics Science (RIELS) Journal, 1(2), 140-151.
    6. Ncube, P. & Sibanda, L. (2018). Implementing Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Education: A case of four Single Sex Secondary Schools in Bulawayo Metropolitan Province, Zimbabwe. Journal of Education and Practice, 9(32),1-11.
    7. Ndhlovu, J., Sibanda, L., & Mathwasa, J. (2020). Influential Factors to Financial Management in Chegutu District Secondary Schools of Mashonaland West Province, Zimbabwe. Randwick International of Education and Linguistics Science (RIELS) Journal, 1(3), 330-340.
    8. Shava, G. & Sibanda, L. (2020). Effects of School Leadership in Enhancing Learners’ Achievement in South African Rural Schools. Journal of Educational Research in Developing Areas (JEREDA), 1(3). 202-213.
    9. Sibanda, L. & Mpofu, M. (2017). Positive Discipline Practices in Schools: A Case of Mzilikazi District Secondary Schools in Zimbabwe. Journal of Educational and Social Research, 7(3), 117-125.
    10. Sibanda, L. (2018). Teaching Social Skills as a Proactive Discipline Management Strategy: Experiences of Selected Secondary Schools in Bulawayo Metropolitan Province. American Journal of Educational Research, 6(12), 1636-1645.
    11. Sibanda, L. (2021). Managing Learner Behaviour in a Virtual Classroom: Experiences of Selected Private High School Teachers in Bulawayo Metropolitan Province, Zimbabwe. Journal of Education and Practice, 12(6), 118-131.
    12. Sibanda, L. & Mathwasa, J. (2020). Modelling Positive Behaviour: A Vital Strategy in Instilling Positive Discipline Among Secondary School Learners. Randwick International of Social Science Journal, 1(2), 308-323.
    13. Sibanda, L. & Mathwasa, J. (2020). Promoting Inclusivity Through Quality Assessment in Rural Secondary Schools. In: Adeyemo K. S. (eds), The Education Systems of Africa. Global Education Systems (pp. 1-18). Springer, Cham.
    14. Sibanda, L. & Mathwasa, J. (2021). Perceptions of Teachers and Learners on the Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic Lockdown on Rural Secondary School Female Learners in Matobo District, Zimbabwe. European Journal of Social Sciences Studies, 6(3), 14-34.
    15. Sibanda, L. & Nani, G. V. (2020). Feedback as an Assessment for Learning Tool in Higher Education: Experiences of Lecturers and Postgraduate Students at one selected State University in Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research, 32(3), 364-382.
    16. Sibanda Z. & Sibanda L. (2022). Quality Art and Design Education among Physically Challenged Ordinary Level Learners at a Special Education Secondary School in Zimbabwe, British Journal of Multidisciplinary and Advanced Studies: Education, Learning, Training & Development, 3(2),23-47.

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