Bachelor of Science Honours in Informatics

Bachelor of Science Honours in Informatics

Offered in Conventional
  • 00:00:00Course Duration
  • UndergraduateSkill level
  • $745.00
  • 30 November -0001Admission Deadline

Offered in Conventional 

Course Duration: 4 YEARS


The Bachelor of Science Honours Degree in Informatics is designed and modelled specifically for those individuals that need to learn more about the utilization of information technology, not only for business environments but across all sectors of modern society. The curriculum for this programme provides a foundation for a successful career as an Information Systems professional. The programme is aimed at equipping the graduates with the appropriate knowledge, skills and values to be effective in modern information technology-based environments. The program is designed for those candidates who have an interest in the Informatics field of study and hold the necessary entry requirements.


On successful completion of the programme a graduate will be able to:

  • Demonstrate knowledge in a broad range of methods based on informatics and apply these for data management, analysis and problem solving.
  • Implement modify methods for the manipulation of data in data analytics.
  • Discuss and communicate academic and professional issues at different precision levels.
  • Analyse and interpret data and communicate results to any audience verbally, visually, and written formats.


Entry Requirements:

In order to qualify for normal entry candidates must satisfy the Entry Regulations specified in the General Regulations and in so doing must also meet the following requirements:

  • The candidate shall normally have obtained a PASS in ‘A’ level Mathematics or Pure Mathematics or Mechanical Mathematics or Additional Mathematics or Computer Science or Software Engineering and any one subject from Science or Commercial subject

Special entry: candidates who have successfully completed a National Diploma in Information Technology or its recognized equivalent may apply for entry into Part I.


Mature entry: candidates who are at least 25 years of age on the first day of the academic year in which admission is sought and who are not eligible for entry under the Normal or Special Entry Regulations may apply for Mature Entry provided that:

  • Applicants must have passed at least five ‘O’ level subjects including English Language and Mathematics and must have demonstrated suitability for university studies by virtue of their attainments and/or relevant work experience.
  • Normally, applicants should have completed their full-time school or college education at least five years before the start of the academic year in which admission is sought.





SCS1101 Introduction to Computer Science and Programming

Information and Knowledge Societies, Evolution of Computers, Computer Organisation and Architecture: CPU; Memory; I/O, Number Systems and Conversions ( Bin; Dec; Hex; Oct), Concepts of Computer Languages: high\low level languages; compiler; interpreter, Programming Techniques: grammar; recursion; Variables; Data types; Initialization; Comments; Keywords; Constants; Assignment, Programming constructs: branching; looping; recursion; Programming using data structures: arrays; lists; trees; hash tables; queues; stacks; files, Programming Algorithms for Problem Solving: Sorting; compression; numerical and encryption, Fundamentals Operating System, Fundamentals Data Bases, Fundamentals of Networks

SIA1101 Information Management Concepts

Information as an object of study, Theories, concepts, and principles of information, Information identification and collection, Physical and intellectual access to information. Information handling and processing, Components of Information Systems(IS),IS Resources, IS Activities, Total Cost of Ownership, Strategic use of Information Technology in IS Knowledge & Knowledge representation and restructuring, Development of information systems for storage, organization, and retrieval; Methods for data analysis, management, information presentation

SIA 1102 Electronic Commerce

History of e-commerce, e-commerce infrastructure, e-commerce forces, models for e-commerce & e-business, types of e-commerce, security on the internet, implementation and management issues, electronic data interchange, electronic payment system, types of payments, emerging financial instruments, commercial aspects of e-commerce, electronic commerce and banking, electronic commerce and retailing, electronic commerce and online publishing, e-business issues & internet marketing, critical success factors for internet marketing executives, e-commerce strategies for development, elements of national e-commerce strategies, legal aspects of e- commerce, search engines, trust online, e-commerce & sales.

SIA1103 Database Systems

Database management systems (DBMS), Database Models: Entity-relationship Model. The relational model. The SQL language. Database design: ER to Relational mapping, the systems development lifecycle, the database lifecycle, Conceptual design, logical, physical design. Normalisation. Aspects of physical database access: Database Transactions: Distributed Databases: Client-server database systems. Higher-level and extended data Models: Object-oriented data models are introduced. SQL3. Requirements of Multimedia database

SMA1101 Calculus

Differentiation. Definition, basic properties. Rolle’s Theorem, mean value theorem, Cauchy’s mean value theorem. Leibniz’ rule.  Application. Taylor series. Integration, Definite integrals. Antiderivatives. Fundamental theorem of calculus.  Improper integrals. Gamma and Beta functions. Definition of natural logarithm as integral of 1/x and exponential as inverse. Area, volume of revolution, arc length, surface area.  Parametric equations. Arc length, surface area. Polar coordinates. Graph sketching.  Area in polar coordinates. Complex numbers. Algebra of complex numbers. De Moivre’s theorem. Exponential form.


SMA1102 Linear Algebra

Vector Algebra: Scalar and vector product. Collinear, coplanar vectors. Applications. Equations of lines and planes. Matrices Products, sums, echelon form, rank, inverse. Determinants. Definition, properties, evaluation. Systems of Linear Equations. Consistency, Gauss’ method, Cramer’s rule. Homogeneous systems. Vector Spaces. Definition, linear independence, bases. Subspaces.

ILI1105 Communication Skills

This module focuses on the development of effective communication skills within the built environment. Such skills are developed through interpretation of data and information (in graphic, tabular and conceptual diagrammatic format) via projects and assignments for individuals and groups. Creative problem-solving techniques, group interactions and effective team building skills are taught and exercised. Public participation, meeting procedures, negotiation skills and conflict resolution skills are taught and practised. This skill will be applicable to both rural and urban environments.



SIA 1201 Business Information Systems and Applications

The Business Environments; Changing lives and businesses in the Information Era, Redesigning the organization with information systems; Types of Information system: Transaction Processing Systems; Management Information Systems; Decision Support Systems; and Expert Systems. The Systems life cycle, Systems development strategies; Prototyping, Evolutionary development, Object oriented approach Building and managing information systems; Information System project organization and management, Information System Security and Control, The Internet and electronic business


SIA1202 Data Mining and Warehousing

Fundamentals of data mining, Data Mining Functionalities, Classification of Data Mining systems, Data Mining Task Primitives, Integration of a Data Mining System with a Database or a Data Warehouse System, Information retrieval, machine learning, optimization, microeconomics, algorithms, mathematical formulas, computer programs, analytic tools and online portals, Data Cleaning, Data Integration and Transformation, Data Reduction, Discretization and Concept Hierarchy Generation, Data Warehouse and OLAP Technology for Data Mining: Data Warehouse, Multidimensional Data Model, Data Warehouse Architecture, Data Warehouse Implementation, Further Development of Data Cube Technology, From Data Warehousing to Data Mining Data Cube Computation and Data Generalization:


SIA 1203 Data Visualisation and Reporting

Visualization, computer graphics, visual data representation, physical and human vision models, numerical representation of knowledge and concept, animation techniques, pattern analysis, and computational methods. Tools and techniques for practical visualization. Elements of related fields including computer graphics, human perception, computer vision, imaging science, multimedia, human & computer interaction, computational science, and information theory. Application in scientific, medical, interactive multimedia and artistic applications.

SORS 1201 Applied Statistics and Numerical Methods

An introduction to Applied Statistics. Statistics - its definition and scope. Descriptive Statistics/Initial Data Exploration: Summary statistics, measurements of central tendency, mean, mode, median, measures of dispersion, range, variance, standard deviation. Graphical presentation of data, stem and leaf plots, histograms, box plots. Point Estimation/Tests of Hypothesis, interval estimation, z-test, t-test. Design and Analysis of Experiments, completely randomized design, randomized complete block design, latin squares, factorial experiment. Regression Analysis, simple linear regression. Statistical Computing.Introduction to numerical methods. The need and philosophy. Classical approximate methods. Variation methods - The Ritz method and the Galerkin methods.


SIA1204 Programming Concepts and Development using Python

Elementary principles of programming, using python including iteration, recursion, and binary representation of data. Object oriented approach to programming using python.


SCS1210   Discrete Mathematics

This module introduces and discusses the fundamentals of the discrete mathematics as applied

to computer science, focusing on providing a basic theoretical foundation for further work. Students are exposed to logic and proof techniques, set theory, elementary number theory, functions and relations, graph, trees, modelling computations and abstract algebra. This module integrates symbolic tools, graphical concepts, and numerical calculations. Techniques of counting: permutations, combinations, recurrences, algorithms are also covered.




SCI 2101 Research Methods

Research, planning and design, research process. Problem formulation. Project Proposal, Data collection techniques, Literature review, Research techniques/methods, Methodology and Methods, Sampling techniques, Validity and reliability, Research report writing, Ethical issues in Research.

SIA 2103 Data Analysis and Simulation

Introduction to qualitative and quantitative analysis. Basic simulation and modelling methodology: sampling, data collection analysis and visual output. Modelling complexities and decision making simulation. Data formatting and presentation. Random numbers, statistical functions, and experimentation. Applied statistical functions, and experimentation. Applied statistical methods for analysis and modelling. Approaches to structuring simulations.


SIA2104 Application Development

Software reusability concepts. Abstraction, polymorphism. Objects, messages, encapsulation. Classes, inheritance, and class categories. Foundation and Collection Classes. Design and Implementation techniques. Object Oriented Programming and Databases. Java Basics: History, Design Goals, The Web, Java Programming. Java Virtual Machine: Java Compiler, Byte-codes, Interpreter, JIT Compilation, Software Portability, Garbage Collection, Security. Java APIs: Abstract Window Toolkit, Java Foundation Classes, Commerce, JDBC. Java and the Internet: Applets, Communication, RMI, Client & Servers, Data Access, Network Computers.

SIA2105 Statistical programming

This module introduces the students to programming using statistical programming languages such as R. The programming tool should be used to demonstrate a wide range of applications such as algorithms that can be used in machine learning domain such as time series analysis, classification and linear modelling.

SIA2108 Technopreneurship

This module provides students with the tools to identify opportunities, how to screen the various opportunities, developing a business concept, translating ideas into business opportunities, financing a business, growing a business, the management team and harvesting of a business. Thus, the module focuses on ways in which entrepreneurs recognize opportunities, generate ideas, and organize resources to plan successful ventures that enable them to achieve their goals. Students will create a business plan for a student-run business. Through hands-on experiences, students will have opportunities to develop the values, traits, and skills most often associated with successful entrepreneurs. By the end of this module, students will be able to; analyze the characteristics and contributions of enterprising people; compare the characteristics and contributions of various entrepreneurs; assess their personal entrepreneurial and enterprising prospective; analyze various methods of generating ideas and identifying opportunities to satisfy needs and wants; and generate realistic novel ideas and identify possible opportunities for a student-run business.

SCS2111 Data Communications and Computer Networks

This module explores the principles underlying the design of computer networks. Topics

covered include: Computer network technologies and applications, Transmission Media,

Signaling, Communication protocols, Communication architectures, Network connections, Network types, Routing and routing algorithms, Spanning tree protocol and IP addressing.


SIA 2201 Decision Support Systems

Decision Support Systems Concepts, Methodologies, and Technologies. Decision Making, Systems, Modelling, and Support. Decision Support Systems and Business Intelligence. Modelling and Analysis. Theoretical concepts as applied to real-world applications. Text and Web Mining. Data Warehousing. Collaborative Computer-Supported Technologies and Group Support Systems. Collaboration, Communication, Group Support Systems, and Knowledge Management. Management Support Systems: Emerging Trends and Impacts.

SIA2202 Parallel and Distributed Processing

The Scope of Parallel Computing, Parallel Architecture: Basic issues and its influence on programming, Performance Evaluation, Algorithm Design and Analysis: case study, Parallel Programming: Network, communication, and distributed processing, System Consideration: Partition, Communication, Scheduling and OS issues, Data Access and I/O, Cluster and Distributed Network Computing, Other Current Trend of Parallel Processing.

SIA 2203 Expert Systems

Overview of Expert Systems Technology. Production systems, rules and the expert systems architecture. Forward and backward reasoning; inference control; explanations. State space, decompositions, and game trees. Heuristic search plausible reasoning Bayesian probability theory. Certainty factors and other approaches to uncertainty. Issue in knowledge representation, and languages. Representation schemes: logical procedural, network, structured. Knowledge acquisition. Objects, messages, and hybrid expert system design. A survey of expert system development tools.

SIA 2204 Information Security and Auditing

Foundational Concepts in Security: CIA, ethics, terminology. Security Policy and Governance. Principles of Secure Design: least privilege and isolation, fail safe defaults, open design, end-to-end security, security by design, security composability. Defensive Programming: input validation and data sanitization, race conditions, security updates. Threats and Attacks: attacker types, malware, side and covert channels. Cryptography: terminology, cipher types, mathematical preliminaries, symmetric and public key cryptography, authenticated key exchange protocols. Network Security:  security protocols (wired and wireless), secure architectures. Web Security and e-commerce: web security model, session management, client-server security, application vulnerabilities and defences. Platform security: code integrity and code signing, secure boot, peripheral threats, OS and embedded devices. Introduction to Auditing; security policies and mechanisms.


SIA2205 Data Science Project Management

This course shall emphasize practical techniques for working with large-scale data. Specific topics covered shall include statistical modelling and machine learning, data pipelines, programming languages, "big data" tools, and real-world topics and case studies. The use of statistical and data manipulation software shall be required. The software project life cycle Team participation, Roles and responsibilities in a software team Role identification and assignment Individual and team performances assessment Team processes including responsibilities for tasks, meeting structure, and work schedule Team conflict resolution. Team organization and decision-making Risk - The role of risk in the life cycle; Costing, time and resource management.

SIA2206 Data Analytics

Introduction to qualitative and quantitative analysis. Basic simulation and modelling methodology: sampling, data collection analysis and visual output. Modelling complexities and decision-making simulation. Data formatting and presentation. Random numbers, statistical functions, and experimentation. Applied statistical functions, and experimentation. Applied statistical methods for analysis and modelling. Approaches to structuring simulations.

SIA2214 Group Project

The students work in a group to produce a working Product including a Project Proposal, a Project Plan, a System Specification, User Documentation and perform Project Management Activities to ensure the product is delivered on time. The Implementation includes Developing the Product, Testing and Evaluation and Presentation.




Student Industrial Attachment is a “work-based experience programme” providing a real-life organizational context for students to develop specific or generic skills, valuable to their professional development. Students can apply and enhance their skills, contribute to the Organization, and, at the same time, obtain invaluable guidance from their mentors. Industrial Attachments are an excellent way to learn more about a career, find out what it is like to work in one’s potential career, gain valuable experience to build a resume, get to know employers and make a solid network.



SCS4101 Artificial Intelligence

The module develops in students a working knowledge of intelligent systems as well as the understanding of the application of artificial reasoning in industrial processes. Topics covered include: An introduction to intelligence, historical and current trends and characterization of knowledge-based systems, knowledge representation, reasoning, problem solving, and learning. It then explores those further by surveying current applications in selected areas such as game playing and natural language processing.

SIA 4101 Bioinformatics

Biological database; storage of biological data, implementing biological databases, organization and access of biological data, modelling and simulation of biological data. Computational molecular biology; hidden Markov model and support vector machines, protein structure prediction, protein sequence classification, genetic algorithms, artificial neural networks, mapping-sequencing and sequence analysis.

SIA 4102 Health Informatics I

Empirical methods in health informatics, database systems and internet applications in health care, electronic health records, electronic data exchange including security issues, data registries and sources, evidence based public health and community health assessment, public health informatics tools, public health reporting and surveillance including communicable and non-communicable disease, environmental synchronic and bioterrorism surveillance.Electronic Health Records (EHR), Computerised Provider Order Entry (CPOE), patient care systems, Tele-health, clinical decision support systems, consumer informatics. Health and Tele-medicine. Medical diagnostics systems, consumer informatics.

SIA 4103 Policy Informatics I

Public policy theory, domestic and international policy, introduction to policy and practice, international policies and organizations, urban politics, Information and Communication Technology policy, legal and regulatory policy frameworks.

SIA 4104 Geo Informatics I

Introduction to Geo informatics, introduction to geo computation, sources of geo data (remote sensing, imagery, raster data, vector data), geo data design, geo statistics, spatial modelling, geo visualisation, geo informatics platforms.


SIA 4201 Digital Forensics

Computer devices, Data collection, Evidence Collection, Extraction and preservation of evidence, Data Recovery, Evidence preservation, verification & authentication, Data Discovery & Identification, Data Analysis, Computer Forensics Tools, Data Hiding Techniques, Computer forensics and mobile forensics.

SIA 4202 Health Informatics II

Electronic Health Records (EHR), Computerised Provider Order Entry (CPOE), patient care systems, Tele-Health, Clinical decision support systems, consumer informatics.  Health and Tele-medicine, medical diagnostics systems, consumer informatics.

SIA 4203 Policy Informatics II

Policy and security; contextual policy making, tradeoffs in policy formulation. Econometrics. E-government and e-governance. Regression analysis and focusing. Geographical information systems. Information visualisation.

SIA4204 Geo-Informatics II

Introduction to geo informatics, introduction to geo computation, sources of geo data (remote sensing, imagery, raster data, vector data), geo data design, geo statistics, spatial modelling, geo visualisation, geo informatics platforms. Geo informatics applications, raster data processing, vector data processing, digital image processing, mapping, development of geo spatial tools, application of cryptography on geo data.

SIA4205 Mobile and Pervasive Computing II

Networks; The Dynamic Source Routing Protocol for Multi-Hop Wireless Ad Hoc Networks, Highly Dynamic Destination-Sequenced Distance-Vector Routing (DSDV) for Mobile Computer, A Performance Comparison of Multi-Hop Wireless Ad Hoc Network routing Protocols, Distributed File Systems, Energy Management; Balancing Push and Pull for Data Broadcast. Internet of Things.

SCS4215 Enterprise Data Management

Detailed examination of techniques used in the integration and management of data for all applications across an enterprise. Rules of governance and processes involved to make data available for business operations and transactions. Application tools for developing enterprise data management solutions using NoSQL such as mongoDB. Ad-hoc queries, indexing, replication, load balancing, file storage, aggregation, server-side execution, serverless access and management and graphical-user access.

SIA4000 Research Project

The Research project involves supervision. This project is intended for the student to demonstrate skills acquired to develop systems for an organization of their choice. Candidates must be able to demonstrate the highest level of innovation. A level of research is expected to ensure some level of originality and critical thinking in the project design and implementation.


Need Any help!

Mr Walter Magagula

Mr Walter Magagula

Senior Assistant Registrar

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