Mrs. Ellen Maguranyanga
- Courses: 0
- Website: http://www.nust.ac.zw
Office: AF 43
Extension: 282
Email: [email protected]
MSc Interprofessional Health and Community Studies (Radiography) -University of Kent at Canterbury (UK), MBA (NUST), Higher Diploma of College of Radiographers HDCR (London), Teachers' Diploma of the College of Radiographers TDCR (London), Health Teachers Diploma (HTD) (Zimbabwe), Diploma of College of Radiographers (London)
Radiation Ground water contamination, Radiation Protection, Radiation Dosimetry, Radiography Practice, Indegineous knowledge and impart on rural livelihoods.
Publications by Mrs. Ellen F. Maguranyanga
J Gwamuri, E.F.Maguranyanga, E. Mwenje, G. GanaBio-fuels – A friend or foe to Africa (enhancing or aggravating sustainable development in Africa)? What policy development process should take note of? How can innovation systems help? International Conference on Innovation Systems for Poverty Reduction and Sustainable Livelihoods Development in SADC Countries. RAEIN-AFRICA’S ISP – TEESA programme Launch Conference, 22 – 25 June 2009, Windhoek, Namibia.( Paper Submitted for publication)
J Gwamuri, E.F.Maguranyanga, E. Mwenje, G. Gana Bio-fuels, Land Degradation and the Cost of Food Production. SADC Regional Conference on Sustainable Land Management in the Dry Lands of Southern Africa: the Practicalities, 07 – 11 September 2009, Windhoek country Resort Club. (Paper published byMin. of Environment & Tourism, Namibia)
Baricholo, P., Gwamuri, J., Maguranyanga E.F., 2010. Radiotracer Selection and Preparation for Industrial Applications in Zimbabwe. Second Conference of RAF/8/040,15-17 November 2010, (South African Nuclear Energy Cooperation (NECSA), Pretoria, S. Africa (Paper accepted for oral presentation)
J Gwamuri, Maguranyanga E.F., Mvumi B. , Nyagumbo, I., 2010Impacts of Biofuels on Rural Livelihoods: A Case Study of Jatropha Curcas L. in Mutoko District, Zimbabwe. Southern African Conference on ‘Mitigation and Adaptation strategies to Climate Change and Innovation Systems in Southern Africa’ 22-23 March 2010, Birchwood Hotel and ORTambo Conference Centre (Viewpoint Road, Bartlett, Boksburg), Johannesburg, South Africa. Paper accepted by RAEIN-Africa for publication).
J Gwamuri, Maguranyanga E.F., Mvumi B. , Nyagumbo, I., 2011Impacts of Biofuels on Rural Livelihoods: A Case Study of Jatropha Curcas L. in Mutoko District, Zimbabwe. Published in ‘Mitigation and Adaptation strategies to Climate Change Compendium of Papers (I Mapaure,B Mhango DKMulenga(Eds) ISBN 978-99945—72-85-4.
J Gwamuri, Mvumi B. Maguranyanga E.F., Nyagumbo, I., 2012 Impact of Jatropha on Rural Livelihoods: A case of Mutoko District, Zimbabwe. ISBN 978-99945-73-04-2 RAEIN –Africa Secretariat.
Majonga E, Maguranyanga E.F. Nleya S, Chingarande G 2013,AComparison of the Radiographic Axial Oblique View with Routine Mortice View of the Ankle Joint in Acute Injury. World Journal of Medicine and Medical Science Vol. 1 No 8 Dec 2013, ISSN : 2330-1341 (On line).
Karera A, Maguranyanga E.F. Nleya S, Chingarande G 2014, The Effectiveness of Ultrasound in Early Detection of Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy: A Case Study of Chitungwiza, ZimbabweWorld Journal of Medical Sciences 10 (2): 122-128, 2014, ISSN : 1817-3055, IDOSI Publications 2014
Technical Reports prepared
Thereska J, Hills A, P Baricholo and C7-RAF-1.004-003/13 IAEA participants,(Mashingaidze RT, Muchono B, Maguranyanga EF) Mean residence time distribution investigation on a raw grinding mill at PPC Colleen Bawn Plant, Gwanda, Zimbabwe, June 2013.
Implementation of the 1997-2007 Health Strategy in Zimbabwe (MBA Dissertation, NUST 2001).
Role Development in Radiography (MSc. Dissertation, University of Kent at Canterbury 1997).
A Student Self Learning Package For Learning Cross-Sectional Anatomy(TDCR Project 1991).
An Investigation Of The Use Of Clinical Learning Objectives In A Computed Tomography Department (HDCR Dissertation 1990).
A Health Learning Material For Student Radiographers on “Low Osmolar Contrast Agents” (Health Teachers’ Diploma project 1988).
Radiography Education in Zimbabwe- The Way Forward, Radiography Centenary Congress, Bulawayo. (1995) presentation.
The changing Role of Radiography and Radiography Education MillenniumCongress, Bulawayo (2000) presentation.
Role Development in Radiography Presentation –World Radiography Day, Ruwa, Harare8 November 2014.