Mr. Nicholas Ncube
- Courses: 0
- Website: http://www.nust.ac.zw
Office: SW132
Extension: 2112
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
MSc Remote Sensing (London), Post Grad. Diploma Remote Sensing (London), PGDHE (NUST), BSc (Hons) Agric. (Ibadan)
I developed metadata for map creation, spatial data capture, GIS and remote sensing applications in Agricultural research activities at ICRISAT Bulawayo in 2006. Land Use/Land cover change assessment and mapping using Remote sensing and GIS technologies. I mapped the spatial distribution of small-holder homesteads in two villages in Gwanda District and one village in Beit Bridge District using GPS during the commercialization of goat production survey in February, 2009.
Publications by Mr. Nicholas Ncube
Co-authored the "Remote Sensing and GIS Resource Training Manual for officers" First Edition in September, (1994).
Co-authored an article entitled "Application of Remote Sensing and GIS in Agricultural Land Use Planning in Zimbabwe" (1994).
Participated in writing a paper entitled “Farm subdivisions in Zimbabwe” (2003).
Was one of the authors of the “Okavango Region Agro- Business (Kapako Irrigation) Consultancy Project Report in Namibia (2008).
Workshops & Conference
I.T.C. – The Netherlands (2-27 Sept. 1991) Information Management for Natural Resources Development Training Workshop
University of Queensland-Australia (1/8/99-30/8/99) Attended an International Conference on Multi-Objective Decision Support Systems (MODSS) for Natural Resource Management and Development and Presented a Paper entitled "Land Use Planning Experience in Zimbabwe" at two University seminars. University of Dar-es-Salaam-Tanzania Nov. 2001Attended a two week refresher course on Visualization and application of EIAs in urban and rural areas.
Mazingira Consultants- Swaziland (17/2/08-03/03/08) Attended a SADC/EU TRAINING COURSE ON Geographical Info Systems And Remote Sensing Applications In Land And Water Management.
University of Swaziland-Swaziland (22-27 July 2012) Attended an AMESD National Training Workshop Luyengo Campus
Namibia National University of Science and Technology (14- 18 March, 2016) (Namibia) Attended the MESASADC First Regional Training Workshop for University Lecturers and Systems Administration staff in the SADC Region.