Mr. Khesani Chilumani
- Courses: 0
- Website: www.nust.ac.zw
MSc, BSc. (Hons.), NUST Z'bwe
Current Studies
NUST, The Design and implementation of an Ontology for Supply Chain Management; Simulation of Business Intelligence Systems and Systems Dynamics Models. Other Research Interests: Ontology Engineering, Artificial intelligence, Modelling and Simulation.
Publications by Mr. Khesani R. Chilumani
Sibangiso Ngwenya, Sikhulumani Bayeza Mangena, Khesani Richard Chilumani, A Semantic Web Solution for Circumventing Disparities between Electronic-Learning Systems and Mobile-Learning Systems,
S. Ngwenya, Dr. Mangena, Prof. J. Trimble and K. R. Chilumani, An ontology – based framework for mobile learning in rural secondary schools, African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development, October 2015, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 20421338-2015-1085167
John Trimble, Khesani R. Chilumani, Ngwenya Sibangiso, Strategies for community focused postal service development, African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development, November 2015, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, DOI: 10.1080/ 20421338. 2015. 1085175
K. Mzelikahle, N. Kokera and K. R. Chilumani, Climate variability forecasting using BAT algorithm optimised Artificial Neural Network, Zimbabwe Journal of Science and Technology, November 2015 e-ISSN 2409-0360
Workshops & Conferences
Lorraine Chiedza Chitongo, Daniel Musundire and Khesani Chilumani, Electronic Tendering a 21st Century Necessity in Zimbabwe, 7th International Conference on Appropriate Technology, 23rd – 26th November 2016, Cresta Sprayview, Victoria Falls, ZIMBABWE
Nicodemus Samoyo and Khesani Chilumani, Automated Monitoring of Call Activity and Usage for Cooperate Mobile Phones, 7th International Conference on Appropriate Technology, 23rd – 26th November 2016, Cresta Sprayview, Victoria Falls, ZIMBABWE
A Semantic Web Solution for Circumventing Disparities between Electronic-LearningSystems and Mobile-Learning Systems, Sibangiso Ngwenya, Sikhulumani Bayeza Mangena, Khesani Richard Chilumani, Mar 2016
A Theoretical Semantic Web framework for developing learning content,ICEE/ICIT-2013 Cape Town Conference, Ngwenya Sibangiso and Chilumani Khesani Richard
Public Lecture:The use of Computer Simulation and Visualisation in Analysis and Evaluation, NUST Alumni Public Lecture on Sustainable Development, 10 September 2013, Khesani Richard Chilumani
Opportunities for Climate Change Data Comprehension and Analysis through Computer Simulations and Visualisations, First Climate Science Symposium of Zimbabwe conference paper,19 June 2013, Chilumani Khesani Richard and Ngwenya Sibangiso
Seismic Predictions - An Artificial Intelligence Perspective, First Climate Science Symposium of Zimbabwe conference paper, 21 June 2013, Muzheri Kernan, Hlatywayo Dumisani John and Chilumani Khesani Richard
Bio-metric Implementation of Bayesian Networks for Face Recognition on Android Mobile Devices, Daniel Musundire, Khesani Richard Chilumani, Thambo Nyathi, 5th International Conference on ICT for Africa 2013, Harare, Zimbabwe; 02/2013
Shona Processor and Synthesizer that Converts Speech to Text and Text To Speech, Muzheri Kernan, Chilumani Khesani Richard, 5th annual international conference on ICT for africa 2013 harare zimbabwe, Harare, Zimbabwe; 02/2013
Low Cost Remote Controlled Drip Irrigation Management System For Small Scale Farmers, Nyathi T, Nleya S.M, Chilumani K.R, 5th International Appropriate Technology Conference; 11/2012
Supply and Demand Chain Information System for HIV Related Diseases, Khesani Chilumani, 2nd EFIS-EJI African International Conference on Immunity, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe; 11/2011
Supply Chain Management Information Systems: An Artificial Intelligence Perspective, Khesani Chilumani, S. B. Mangena, E. G. Mtetwa, 40th Operations Research Society of South Africa Annual Conference (2011), Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe; 09/201
A semantic web solution for information overload, Sibangiso Ngwenya, Khesani R. Chilumani, Research and Intellectual expo (RIE), Harare, Zimbabwe; 02/2011