Dr. Amon Masache


Dr. Amon Masache

Senior Lecturer - Statistics & Operations Research

Office: WF17

Extension: 2116

Email: [email protected]

Website: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=opZ00KEAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao



PhD in Statistics,
MSc. Operations Research (NUST),

BSc. (Hons) Applied Mathematics(NUST)

Mathematical Programming and its applications; Decision Analysis; Statistical Modelling and Computational Statistics

Taught Courses
1. Statistics
2. Decision and Risk Analysis
3. Integer Linear Programming
4. Operations Research Techniques for Management
1. Queuing Theory
2. Design and Analysis of Experiments
3. Operations Management
4. Introduction to Applied Statistics
5. Non-linear Programming
Research Interest
1. Computational Statistics
2. Solar Irradiation Modelling
3. Forecasting
4. Statistical modelling


Publications by Mr. Amon Masache

  1. Ndhlovu, T. Masache, A.Nare, H. Assan, N. Path coefficient analysis of body weight and morphometric measurements in indigenous Matebele goat Zimbabwe. Scientific Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences. 2017. 6(3): 556-564: ISSN 2322-2956

    2. Hove, K. Masache, A.Showa, S. Analysis of factors influencing first year University Undergraduate performance in selected pure Mathematics courses at the National University of Science and Technology – Zimbabwe. Journal of Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences (University of Namibia, 2016). Volume 5, Issue 2: 246-260: ISSN 2026-7215

    3. Masache, A. Survey Methods/ Techniques Workbook. 1st Edition, African Choice Enterprises, 2014 ISBN: 978-0-7974-9405-3

    4. Masache, A. A two-product inventory model with a joint ordering policy. Advances in Decision Sciences. Volume 2013: 1-5

    5. Assan, N. Masache, A. Genetic parameter estimation and animal model ranking for cold carcass mass using Sp statistic in goat. Peak Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 2013. 1(1): 11-16

    6. Assan, N. Masache, A. Use of a simple Sp statistic in comparison of models for estimation of genetic parameters in goats. International Journal of Pharmaceutical, Chemical and Biological Sciences, 2013. Volume 3, Issue 3: 554-558

    7. Dendere, T. Masache, A. Application of goal programming on a marketing decision for a promotional strategy. International Journal of Marketing and Technology. 2013. Volume 3, Issue 12:10-23

    8. Mangwanya, F. Masache, A. Application of vehicle routing in a bread delivery system at Bakers Inn 15th Avenue Factory in Bulawayo. International Journal of Engineering and Scientific Research. 2013. Volume 1, Issue 2: 1-17

    9. Assan, N. Masache, A. Musasira, M. Influence of direct and maternal effects on carcass length as a secondary trait in carcass evaluation in indigenous Matebele goats of Zimbabwe. International Journal of Animal, Plant and Environmental Sciences, 2012. 2(3):230-236 ISSN 2231-4490

    10. Masache, A. Locomotive freight scheduling at Mpopoma train station. International Journal of Management, IT and Engineering. 2012. 2(10): 403-417 ISSN 2249-0558

    11. Masache, A. Mashira, H. Antiretroviral drug distribution system in Limpopo, South Africa. Journal of Mathematics and System Science, 2012. (12): 512-522 ISSN 2159-5291

    12. Assan, N. Masache, A. Genetic parameters for weaning of Zimbabwean Nguni cattle for accounting for direct-maternal genetic covariances. Scientific Journal of Agriculture. 2012. 1(3):53-60

    13. Assan, N. Masache, A. Tambo, G. Impact of maternal effects on the ranking of animal models in genetic parameter estimation for 18-months weight in Indigenous Tuli cattle of Zimbabwe. International Journal of Animal, Plant and Environmental Sciences, 1(2):2011:2231-4490 ISSN 2231-449014. Masache, A., Mashira, H. Antiretroviral drug distribution system in Limpopo, South Africa. Journal
    of Mathematics and System Science 2012, 12; 512-522 ISSN 2159-5291
    15. Assan, N., Masache, A. Genetic parameters for weaning of Zimbabwean Nguni cattle for accounting for direct-maternal genetic co variances. Scientific Journal of Agriculture 2012, 1(3):53-60
    16. Assan, N., Masache, A., Tambo, G. Impact of maternal effects on the ranking of animal models in genetic parameter estimation for 18-month weight in indigenous Tuli cattle of Zimbabwe. International Journal of Animal, Plant and Environmental Sciences 2011, 1(2):2231-4490; ISSN 2231-4490


Work In Progress

PhD proposal with thesis entitled : Probabilistic forecasting of solar irradiance in Southern Africa

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