Dr. Sindiso Nleya

Dr. Sindiso Nleya

Lecturer : Computer Science


PGDHE, BSc (Hons) App. Physics, MSc (Computer Science), Zimbabwe, PhD (UCT)


Game theoretic modeling of cognitive mesh network; Spectrum sensing; Smart Grid. Other Research Interests: Wireless Networks: Cognitive Mesh networks, TV White Spaces, Algorithmic Game Theory & IoT in Agriculture. Research Awards: ITU fellowship 2014; POSTGRADUATE PUBLICATION INCENTIVE (PPI) Grant 2016(UCT)


Publications by Dr Sindiso M. Nleya 

T.T Gotora and S.M Nleya"A collaborative research review platform for enhancing project quality in universities", UbuntuNet-Connect 2016, Conference on: "Optimising the Impact of NRENs on Africa's Research.” Entebbe, Uganda, 3-4 November, 2016.

T X. Brown,   E. Pietrosemoli, M. Zennaro, A. Bagula,   H. Mauwa , S. M. Nleya"A Survey of TV White Space Measurements, Chapter ,e-Infrastructure and e-Services for Developing Countries", Volume 147 of the series Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering pp 164-172, 21 April 2015

Nleya, S. M.; Bagula, A.; Zennaro, M.; Pietrosemoli, E. , "Optimisation of a TV White Space Broadband Market Model for Rural Entrepreneurs", Journal of ICT, Vol. 2, 109–128, River Publishers .

S.M Nleya, A Bagula,M Zennaro and E.Pietrosemoli, "A Non-Cooperative TV White Space Broadband Market Model for Rural Entrepreneurs-(throughput)", ITU Kaleidoscope conference, Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation, 3-5 June 2014

S.M Nleya, A Bagula, M Zennaro and E.Pietrosemoli, “A Non-Cooperative TV White Space Broadband Market Model for Rural Entrepreneur(-Composite Metric)” (book Chapter-Submitted), Springer -Verlag, May 2015

S.M Nleya, A Bagula,M Zennaro and EPietrosemoli, “A TV White Space Broadband Market Model for Rural Entrepreneurs” Global Information Infrastructure and Networking Symposium,Trento,Italy, 28-31October 2013.

Marco Zennaro, Ermanno Pietrosemoli, Sindiso M Nleya and Antoine Bagula,” On the Relevance of Using Affordable Tools for White Spaces Identification”,  8th IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob 2012), Barcelona, Spain, 2012

S.M Nleya and A. Bagula, "Combinatorial Auction for TV white space based Networks"   , UCT  Postgraduate symposium  2012

Nyathi T, Nleya S.M, Chilumani K.R, "Low cost remote Controlled Drip irrigation management system for a small Scale farmers",Proc of the 5th Appropriate Technology conference, Pretoria, South Africa, November 2012

Nleya.S, Nyathi T and N Kokera. “Enhancing Crop production in Zimbabwe Through the Use of ICTS”,Proceedings of the 4th Conference On Appropriate technology Ghana, Accra, 2010

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