Dr. Innocent Muchingami
- Courses: 0
- Website: http://www.nust.ac.zw
Office: AF39
Extension: 2279
Email: [email protected]; ikmuchingami@gmail
PhD (Groundwater contaminant transport), University of the Western cape, SA; MSc Geophysics NUST; PGD Higher Ed., NUST; BSc Applied Physics (Hons) NUST
Solving Groundwater and environmental pollution related problems with the aim of developing of sustainable technologies, mapping of ground water availability and contamination flow paths, karst aquifer investigations, surface water- groundwater interaction, geophysical mineral exploration and geotechnical ground investigations.
Publications by Dr. Innocent Muchingami
Muchingami, I., Nel J., Xu, Y., Steyl, G., and K Reynolds, (2013). On the use of electrical resistivity methods in monitoring infiltration of salt fluxes in dry coal ash dumps in Mpumalanga, South Africa. Water SA, Vol 39 (3), pp 491-498.
Chuma, C., Hlatywayo, D. J., Zulu, J., Muchingami, I., Mashingaidze, R. T., and V. Midzi. (2013). Modelling the Subsurface Geology and Groundwater Occurrence of the Matsheumhlope Low Yielding Aquifer in Bulawayo Urban, Zimbabwe. Journal of Geography and Geology; Vol. 5 (3), pp 158-175.
Muchingami, I., Hlatywayo J. D., J.M. Nel and C. Chuma, (2012). Electrical resistivity survey for groundwater investigations and shallow subsurface evaluation of the basaltic greenstone formation of the urban Bulawayo aquifer. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth. Volume 50-52 (2012) pp 44-51.
Muchingami I., Hlatywayo D. J., Chuma C., and M. Gumbo (2014). Groundwater exploration and resource utilization in crystalline basement aquifers of Zimbabwe. Proceedings of the second International symposium on sustainable utilization of water resources in developing countries , Guilin, China, 26 – 28 October 2014.
Muchingami, I., Xu, Y. Nel, J. M. and K. Reynolds (2013). A numerical simulation of contaminant transport in the unsaturated zone of dry coal ash dumps with a case study in South Africa. Proceedings of the 13th Biannual IAH/GSSA International Groundwater Conference, 17-19 September 2013, Durban South Africa.
Muchingami I., Xu, Y., and Nel J., (2013). Non-invasive characterization of unsaturated zone solute transport in dry coal ash dumps at Tutuka, South Africa. Proceedings of the First China- Africa water resources Conference, Cape Town, South Africa,26 – 28 June 2013.
Muchingami I., Nel J., Steyl G. and K. Reynolds (2011). Using electrical resistivity tomography in monitoring brine infiltration at a dry coal ash dump. Proceedings 12th Biannual IAH/GSSA International Groundwater Conference, 20-22 September 2011, Pretoria South Africa.