Prof Golden Nyambuya

Prof Golden Nyambuya

Lecturer - Applied Physics

 I am a curious cosmic explorer seeking answers to the deepest, most intriguing and most fundamental questions about physical and natural reality at its most elementary (quantum) and grandest (cosmic) of scales.

I hold a PhD (2020) in Fundamental Theoretical Astrophysics from the National University of Science and Technology in Zimbabwe and this qualification is the first such qualification to be granted on Zimbabwean soil. I obtained my B.Sc. (Hons) in Physics (2000) from the University of Zimbabwe and my M.Sc. in Astronomy and Astrophysics (2003) from the North West University in South Africa. My research is predominately theoretical --- the meaning of which is that I not only construct theoretical models that make the temerarious endeavour to explain the world around us, but test these models against the ruthless yardstick of Mother Nature. I am not confined to any particular field of physics, but work across the entire spectrum of physics for so long as what I am pursuing leads me to pear much deeper into the fabric of reality. I seek to uncover the most Fundamental Laws of Nature.

I mostly teach theoretical inclined courses such as: Newtonian Mechanics; Solid State Physics; Statistical Thermodynamics; Classical Thermodynamics; Special and General Theory of Relativity; Relativistic and non-Relativistic Quantum Mechanics; Astronomy, Astrophysics and Cosmology; Research Methods; Time Series Analysis. I am currently supervising a PhD Thesis in Fundamental Theoretical Astrophysics and an M.Phil. Thesis in Fundamental Theoretical Physics.



B.Sc. (Hons) Physics, UZ, Zw;
M.Sc. (Astronomy & Astrophysics), NWU, RSA;
Ph.D. (Theoretical Astrophysics) NUST, Zw.

Taught Courses

1. Mechanics & Relativity.
2. Waves & Optics.
3. Thermal Physics (II).
4. Quantum Mechanics.
5. Solid State Physics.
6. Statistical Mechanics.
7. Time Series Analysis.
8. Astrophysics.
9. Research Methods.
10. Mathematical Methods in Physics.



Field of Specialization
Fundamental Theoretical Physics

1. Quantum Physics: (Dirac Equation, Yang-Mills Theory, Unified Field Theory)
2. Astrophysics: (Star formation: Massive Stars, Bipolar Molecular Outflows, Initial Mass Function --- Dark matter and Dark energy)
3. Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics: (Massive Photons: Debye Model, Superconductivity)
4. Cosmology: (GRBs, Hubble Tension, Steady State Multiverse)
5. Pure Mathematics: Number Theory -- Fermat’s Last Theory, Beal’s Theorem, Riemann-Zeta Hypothesis, Prime Number Theorem, Collaztz’s Conjecture; Quaternions.

Selected Publication

1. Nyambuya, G. G. and Marusenga, S. (2023), `Correlation in Gamma Ray Burst Time Delays between Pairs of Radio Photons', J. Astron. and Astrophys., Vol. 13, 6 Sept., pp.195-216.

2. Nyambuya, G. G. (2023), `Avoiding Negative Energies in Quantum Mechanics', Progress in Physics, Feb. 19, Vol. 19(3), pp.32-39.

3. Nyambuya, G. G. (2022), `Conditions for the Riemannian Description of Maxwell's Source-Free Field Equations', Progress in Physics, Vol. 18(6), pp.27-20.

4. Nyambuya, G. G. (2022), `Are Tensorial Affinities Possible?', Progress in Physics, Vol. 18(5), pp.24-26.
5. Nyambuya, G. G. (2021), `On the Plausible Origins of the Spiral Character of Galaxies', Open Astronomy, Mar. 5, Vol. 30(1), pp.1-11.

6. Msindo, S., Nyambuya, G. G. and Nyamhere, C. (2021), `Plausible Fundamental Origins of Emissivity (I)', Progress in Physics, Apr., Vol. 17(2021), Issue 1, pp.10-13.

7. Nyambuya, G. G. (2020), `Fundamental Geometrodynamic Justification of Gravitomagnetism (I)', Progress in Physics, June, Vol. 16(2020), Issue 2, pp.73-91.

8. Nyambuya, G. G. (2018), `Plausible Dynamical Origins of Larson (1982)'s Empirical Law (II)', New Astronomy, Vol. 65, pp.35-39.

9. Nyambuya, G. G. (2018), `Plausible Dynamical Origins of Larson (1982)'s Empirical Law (I)', New Astronomy, Vol. 65, pp.40-51.

10. Nyambuya, G. G. (2010), `Azimuthally Symmetric Theory of Gravitation -- On the Perihelion Precession of Solar Planets', MNRAS, 403, Apr. 11, pp.1381-1391.



11. Abbey, G. F., Odo, F., Odo, R., Nyambuya, G. G., Simfukwe, J., Simpemba, P. (2023), `On the Unification of Low Luminosity Active Galactic Nuclei', International Journal for Multidisciplinary Research, Jun. 24, Vol. 5(3), May-June Issue, pp.1-18.

12. Nyambuya, G. G. (2021), `Dirac 4X4 Wavefunction Recast into a 4X4imes 4$ Type Wavefunction', Progress in Physics, Vol. 17(1), pp.124-129.

13. Nyambuya, G. G. (2020), `A Pedestrian Proof of Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle on Stochastic Phase-Space', \textit{Progress in Physics}, Vol. 16(1), pp.20-28.

14. Nyambuya, G. G. (2019), `Liouvile's Theorem as a Subtle Statement of the First of Thermodynamics', Progress in Physics, Vol. 15(3), pp.178-181.

15. Nyambuya, G. G. (2019), `A Simple Proof of the Second Law of Thermodynamics', Progress in Physics, Vol. 15(3), pp.171-177.

16. Nyambuya, G. G. (2019), `On the Gravitomagnetic Origins of the Anomalous Flat Rotation Curves of Spiral Galaxies', New Astronomy, Vol. 67, pp.1-15.

17. Nyambuya, G. G. (2019), `An Attempt at a Revival of Nordstrom's First Theory of Gravitation', New Astronomy, Vol. 67, pp.16-21.

18. Nyambuya, G. G. (2018), `Effect of the Darkforce on the Extra-Anomalous Apsidal Precession of Solar Planets', Astrophys. \& Space Sci., Oct. 3, Vol. 363(10), Art. ID 214, (7pp).

19. Nyambuya, G. G. (2018), `On the Anomalous Electronic Heat Capacity gamma-Coefficient', Progress in Physics, June 20, Vol. 14(2008) Issue 4, pp.189-193.

20. Nyambuya, G. G. (2018), `Concerning the Dirac gamma-Matrices Under a Lorentz Transformation of the Dirac Equation', \textit{Progress in Physics}, Apr. 4, Vol. 14(2008) Issue 2, pp.90-93.

21. Nyambuya, G. G. (2018), `Oscillating Massless Neutrinos', Progress in Physics, Apr. 4, Vol. 14(2008) Issue 2, pp.94-98.

22. Nyambuya, G. G. (2018), `Plausible Further Connection Between Photon Mass and Variation of the Fine Structure Constant', Prespacetime Journal, Mar. 9, Vol. 9(2), pp.154-157.

23. Nyambuya, G. G. (2017), `Neutron or Neutronium?', Prespacetime Journal, Dec., Vol. 8(14), pp.1400-1407. First Published 7 Jan. 2018.

24. Nyambuya, G. G. (2017), `Light Speed Barrier as a Cosmic Curtain Separating the Visible and Invisible Worlds', Prespacetime Journal, Dec. 2, Vol. 8(1), pp.115-125.

25. Nyambuya, G. G., Dube A, and Musosi, G. (2017), `On Newton's Corpuscular Theory of Light', Prespacetime Journal, Nov. 19, Vol. 8(10), pp.1285-1291.

26. Nyambuya, G. G. (2017), `On the Theoretical Foundations of Newton's Law of Cooling', Prespacetime Journal, Sept. 9, Vol. 8(6), pp.743-749.

27. Nyambuya, G. G. (2017), `Planck Radiation Formula for Massive Photons', Prespacetime Journal, June 19, Vol. 8(5), pp.663-674.

28. Nyambuya, G. G. (2017), `Generalized Maxwell's Equations Under Coulomb Gauge', Prespacetime Journal, Mar. 20, Vol. 8(2), pp.256-267.

29. Nyambuya, G. G. (2017), `Apsidal Precession of the Outer Solar Planetary Orbits due to the Pioneer Anomaly', New Astronomy, Nov., Vol. 57, pp.22-29.

30. Nyambuya, G. G. (2016), `High Energy Photons as Product Superposed Massive Particle-Antiparticle Pairs', Prespacetime Journal, Dec. 11, Vol. 7(15), pp.2034-2038.

31. Nyambuya, G. G. (2016), `A Prediction of Quantized Gravitational Deflection of Starlight', Prespacetime Journal, Dec. 11, Vol. 7(13). pp.1827-1833.

32. Nyambuya, G. G. (2016), `On the Possible Origins of the Dirac Equation', Prespacetime Journal, Dec. 11, Vol. 7(13), pp.1818-1826.

33. Nyambuya, G. G. (2016), `On the Cosmic Variation of the Fine Structure Constant', Prespacetime Journal, Oct. 10, Vol. 7(12), pp.1686-1705.

34. Nyambuya, G. G. (2016), `On the Dirac Void, Pauli Exclusion Principle and the Preponderance of Matter over Antimatter', May, Prespacetime Journal, Vol. 7(8) Article 2, pp.1-8.

35. Nyambuya, G. G. (2016), `On the Dirac Wavefunction as a 4X4 Component Function’, Prespacetime Journal, May 7, Vol. 7 (8) Article 16, pp.1-10.

36. Nyambuya, G. G. (2016), `Accelerated Expansion of the Universe and the Preponderance of Matter over Antimatter', Prespacetime Journal, May, Article 15, Vol. 7(8), pp.1-11.

37. Nyambuya G. G. (2016), `Dirac Equation in 24 Representations’, Prespacetime Journal, Apr. 5, Vol. 7(5) Article 5, pp.500-513.

38. Nyambuya G. G. (2016), `On Sinusoidal Time Variation of the Newtonian Gravitational Constant', Prespacetime Journal, Mar. 10, Vol. 7(3) Article 18, pp.650-659.

39. Nyambuya G. G. (2016), `Dirac Equation for General Spin Particles Including Bosons’, Prespacetime Journal, Feb. 12, Vol. 7(2) Article 20, pp.397-404.

40. Nyambuya, G. G. (2016), `On a Simpler, Much More General and Truly Marvellous Proof of Fermat's Last Theorem (I)', Advances in Pure Mathematics, Jan. 15, Vol. 6(1), pp.1-6.

41. Nyambuya G. G. (2016), `Long Range, Long Lived and Gauge Invariant Massive Photons via Stuckelberg Scalar Coupling’, J. Mod. Phys., Jan. 6, Vol. 7(1), pp.7-24.

42. Nyambuya G. G. (2015), `Special Theory of Relativity with Invariant Length and Time Intervals', Nov. 9, Vol. 6(11) Article 17, Prespacetime Journal, pp.1250-1254.

43. Nyambuya G. G. (2015), `Neutronium as a Plausible Additional Power Source for Stars During their Pre-Main Sequence Phase', Nov. 9, Vol. 6(11) Article 17, Prespacetime Journal, pp.1255-1260.

44. Nyambuya G. G. (2015), `Pioneer Anomaly as a Mass Accretion Phenomenon', Oct. 11, Vol. 6(10) Article 18, Prespacetime Journal, pp.1015-1022.

45. Nyambuya, G. G. (2015), `On the Preponderance of Matter over Antimatter’, J. Mod. Phys., Sept. 10, Vol. 6(11), pp.1441-1451.

46. Nyambuya G. G. (2015), `Fundamental Physical Basis for Maxwell-Heaviside Gravitomagnetism’, J. Mod. Phys., Aug. 5, Vol. 6(9), pp.1207-1219.

47. Nyambuya G. G. (2015), `Four Poission-Laplace Theory of Gravitation (I)’, J. Mod. Phys., Aug. 5, 6(9), pp.1195-1206.

48. Nyambuya G. G. (2015), `Gravitational Bending of Starlight: Does the Factor 2 Vindicate Einstein?', Prespacetime Journal, Jul. 5, Vol. 6(7) Article 8, pp.700-711.

49. Nyambuya G. G.} (2015), `Azimuthally Symmetric Theory of Gravitation – II. On the Perihelion Precession of Solar Planetary Orbits’, MNRAS, June 10, Vol. 451(3), pp.3034-3043.

50. Nyambuya G. G., Makwanya T., Tuturu B. A., and Tsoka, W. (2015), `On the Secular Recession of the Earth-Moon System as an Azimuthal Gravitational Phenomenon’, Astrophys. and Space Sci., Jun. 2, Vol. 358(1): pp.1-12.

51. Nyambuya, G. G. (2014), `Are Photons Massless or Massive?', J. Mod. Phys., 25 Dec., Vol. 5(12), pp.2111-2124.

52. Nyambuya, G. G. (2014), `Gauge Invariant Massive Long Range and Long Lived Photons', J. Mod. Phys., 5(11), Nov. 25, pp.1902-1909.

53. Nyambuya G. G. (2014), `On the Plausibility of an Upper Bound Uncertainty Principle’, Prespacetime Journal, Oct. 31, Vol. (5) (10) Article 8, pp.1018-1026.

54. Nyambuya, G. G. (2014), `Unified Field Theory in a Nutshell (Elicit Dreams of a Final Theory Series)’, J. Mod. Phys., 5(10), Oct. 30, pp.1733-1766.

55. Nyambuya G. G. (2014), `A Simple and General Proof of Beal's Conjecture (I)’, Advances in Pure Mathematics, Sept. 22, Vol. 4(9), pp.1-3.

56. Nyambuya, G. G. (2014), `A Perdurable Defence to Weyl's Unified Theory', J. Mod. Phys., Aug. 22, Vol. 5(14), pp.1244-1253.

57. Nyambuya, G. G. (2014), `Secular Increase in the Earth's LOD Strongly Implies that the Earth Might be Expanding on a Global Scale', Int. J. Astron. and Astrophys., Vol. 4(1), Mar. 21, pp.244-249.

58. Nyambuya, G. G. (2014), `On the Expanding Earth and Shrinking Moon', Int. J. Astron. and Astrophys., Vol. 4(1), Mar. 21, pp.227-243.

59. Nyambuya, G. G. and Simango, W. (2014), `On the Gravitational Bending of Light', Int. J. Astron. and Astrophys., Vol. 4(1), Mar. 21, pp.250-263. {10.4236/ijaa.2014.41022

60. Nyambuya, G. G. (2013), `General Spin Dirac Equation (II)', J. Mod. Phys., 4(8), Aug. 13, pp.1-9.

61. Nyambuya, G. G. (2013), `Avoiding Negative Probabilities in Quantum Mechanics?', J. Mod. Phys., Aug. 13, Vol. 4(8), pp.1-9.

62. Nyambuya, G. G. (2012), `On a New Position Space Doubly Special Relativity Theory', Prespacetime Journal, 3(10) Article 2, Aug. 31, pp.956-972.

63. Nyambuya, G. G. (2010), `Bipolar Outflows as a Repulsive Gravitational Phenomenon -- Azimuthally Symmetric Theory of Gravitation (II)', Res. Astron. Astrophys., Vol. 10(11), Nov. Issue, pp.1151-1176.

64. Nyambuya, G. G. (2010), `On the Radiation Problem of High Mass Stars', Res. Astron. Astrophys., Vol. 10(11), Nov. Issue, pp.1137-1150.

65. Nyambuya, G. G. (2010), `Is the Doubly Special Relativity Theory Necessary?', Prespacetime Journal}, Vol. 1(2) Article 5, Mar. 31, pp.190-192.

66. Nyambuya, G. G. (2009), `General Spin Dirac Equation', Apeiron, Oct., Vol. 16(4), Oct. Issue, pp.516-531.

67. Nyambuya, G. G. (2008), `New Curved Spacetime Dirac Equation’, Found. Phys., Jun. 10, Vol. 38(7), pp.665-677.

68. Nyambuya, G. G. (2008), `Unified Field Theory (II)’, Apeiron, Jan., Vol. \textbf{15}(1), Jan. Issue, pp.1-24.

69. Nyambuya, G. G. (2007), `Unified Field Theory (I)’, Apeiron, Dec., Vol. \textbf{14}(4), Dec. Issue, pp.320-361.


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