Prof. Clever B Nyathi
- Courses: 0
- Website: www.nust.ac.zw/fas
QUALIFICATIONS: B.Sc. (Zambia) MBA: (Birmingham) Ph.D. (Saskatchewan)
EXT: 2226
EMAIL: [email protected]
Mycotoxin occurrence in foods and feeds, metabolism and toxicity;Parasitic diseases and chemical
carcinogesis; Lipid metabolism; Antioxidant enzymes as biomarkers of environmental pollution;
Demystifying and popularizing science as an everyday tool.
1. Lovelace, C.E.A. and Nyathi, C.B. (1977). Estimation of fungal toxins, zearalenone and aflatoxin,
contaminating maize beer in Zambia. J. Sci. Food Agric., 28. 288 - 292.
2. Dimmock, J.R., Nyathi, C.B. and Smith, P.J. (1978). Synthesis and evaluation of 1-(hydroxyphenyl)-1-
nonen-3-ones and related compounds for antineoplastic and antimicrobial activities. J. Pharm.Sci., 67,
1543 - 1546.
3. Dimmock, J.R., Nyathi, C.B., and Smith, P.J. (1979). Synthesis and bioactivities of 1-
(hydroxyphenyl)-1-nonen-3-ones and related ethers and esters. J. Pharm. Sci. 68, 1216 - 1221.
4. Nyathi, C.B., Gupta, V.S. and Dimmock, J.R. (1979). Evaluation of 1-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-4-
dimethylamino-1-nonen-3-one hydrochloride on nucleic acid and protein synthesis using murine
leukemia L-1210 cells. J. Pharm. Sci., 68, 1383 - 1386.
5. Smith, P.J., Nyathi, C.B., Dimmock, J.R. and Smith, L.M. (1979). Studies on the mass spectrometry of
some cyclic nuclear substituted styryl ketoximes and ketones with special reference to ortho effects.
Can. J. Chem., 57, 2908 - 2915.
6. Nyathi, C.B., Chetsanga, C.J. and Hasler, J.A. (1985). The effect of diet on the carcinogenicity of
aflatoxin B1 in animals: A Review. Zimbabwe Veterinary Journal, 16, 18 - 22.
7. Nyathi, C.B., Benhura, M.A. and Nyanzunda, T. (1986). Synthesis of 1,4-bis(3-oxo-1-alkenyl)-
benzene and the growth of Tetrehymena pyriformis. Die Pharmazie, 41, 430.
8. Hasler, J.A, Siwela, A.H., Nyathi, C.B. and Chetsanga, C.J. (1986). The effect of schistosomiasis on
the activation of aflatoxin B1. Res. Comm. Chem. Path. Pharmacol., 51, 421 - 424.
9. Nyathi, C.B., Mutiro, C.F., Hasler, J.A. and Chetsanga, C.J. (1987). A survey of urinary aflatoxin in
Zimbabwe. Int. J. Epidemiol., 16, 516 - 519.
10. Nyathi, C.B., Mutiro, C.F., Hasler, J.A. and Chetsanga, C.J. (1989). Human exposure to aflatoxins
in Zimbabwe. Central African Journal of Medicine, 35(12), 542-545.
11. Siwela, A.H., Nyathi, C.B., Hasler, J.A. and Chetsanga, C.J. (1990). The effect of schistosomiasis on
the covalent binding of 2-acetylamino fluorene to mouse liver macromolecules in vivo and in
vitro. Biochemical Pharmacology, 40 (2), 379-382
12. Odiawo, G.O., Ogaa, J.S., Hill, F.W.G., Obwolo, M.J.,Hoyer,M.J., Nyathi, C.B. and Vickers,
D.B.(1990). Isolation of infectious pustular vulvovaginitis (IPV) virus from a clinical case in an
indigenous heifer. Zimbabwe Veterinary Journal, 21, 61-63
13. Lilian B.M. Tijburg, Clever B. Nyathi, Gert W. Meijer and Math J.H. Geelen.(1991) Biosynthesis
and secretion of triacyglycerol in rat liver after partial hepatectomy. Biochemical Journal,277, 723
- 728.
14. Martin Houweling, Lilian B.M Tuburg, Haris Jamil, Dennis E. Vance, Clever B. Nyathi, Willem J.
Vaartjes and Lambert M.G. Van Golde (1991) Phosphatidylcholine metabolism in rat liver after
partial hepatectomy: Evidence for increased activity and amount of CTP: phosphocholine
cytidylyltransferase. Biochemical Journal, 278, 347 - 351.
15. Obwolo, M.J., Hill, F.W.G., Nyathi, C.B., Ogaa, J.S., Odiawo, G.O., Llewelyn, C.A., Vickers, D.B. and
Moyo, P. (1992) Studies of indigenous cattle under traditional management in Zimbabwe 1.
Endoparasites. Zimbabwe Veterinary Journal. 23(3), 101 - 106.
16. Odiawo, G., Hill, F.W.G., Ogaa. J.S., Nyathi, C.B., Obwolo, M.J., Llewelyn, C.A., Vickers, D.B. and
Moyo, P. (1992) Studies of indigenous cattle under traditional management in Zimbabwe 2.
Metabolic Profile. Zimbabwe Veterinary Journal. 23(3), 107 - 119.
17. Ogaa, J.S., Llewelyn, C.A., Odiawo, G.O., Nyathi, C.B., Obwolo, M.J., Hill, F.W.G., Vickers, D.B.,
Majok, A.A. and Moyo, P. (1992) Studies of indigenous cattle under traditional management in
Zimbabwe 3. Reproductve Performance. Zimbabwe Veterinary Journal. 23(3), 121 - 133.
18. Nyathi, C.B., Dube, Ntombizodwa and Hasler, Julia A. (1992). Mycotoxins. African Newsletter on
Occupational Health and Safety. 2 (Supplement 1), 49 - 55.
19. Hasler, Julia A., Naik, Y.S. and Nyathi, C.B. (1992). Interaction between Parasitic Disease and
Chemical Carcinogen with special reference to Schistosomiasis. African Newsletter on
Occupational Health and Safety. 2 (Supplement 1), 65 - 70.
20. Nyathi, C.B., Dube, N., Hasler, J.A., Obwolo, M.J. and Sallmann, H-P. (1993). The effect of diet on
aflatoxin B1 binding to hepatic macromolecules in rats. Research Comm Chem Path and
Pharmacol. 82(2), 199-207
21. Mahan, S.M., Tebele, N., Mukwedeya, D., Semu, S., Nyathi, C.B., Wassink, L.A., Kelly, P.J., Peter,
T. and Barbet, A.T. (1993). An immunoblotting diagnostic assay for heartwater based on the
immunodominant 32kD protein of Cowdria ruminantim detects false positives in field sera. J
Clinical Microbiol. 31 (10), 2729 - 2737.
22. Hasler, J.A., Dube, N, Nyathi, C.B., Fuhrmann, H and Sallmann, H-P. (1994). The influence of
dietary fat on Hepatic bioactivation of aflatoxin B1 in rats. Research Comm Chem Path and
Pharmocol., 83(3), 279 - 287.
23. Naik, Y.S., Kanyepi, R., Ndiweni, Noma., Hasler, Julia and Nyathi, C.B. (1994). Hepatic cytosolic
glutathione S-transferases of ostrich (Struthio camelus): Partial caracterisation and interaction
with xenobiotics. Zimbabwe Veterinary Journal, 25(2), 71 - 80.
24. Dube, Ntombizodwa, Geelen, M.J.H. and Nyathi, C.B. (1994). Mycotoxins and their impact on
Food Safety: A Mini Review. Zimbabwe Veterinary Journal, 25(3/4), 85 - 97.
25. Obwolo, M.J., Ogaa, J.S., Nyathi, C.B., Majok, A.A, Hill, F.W.G., Odiawo, G.O., Llewelyn, C.A. and
Moyo, P.(1995). Studies of indigenous cattle kept on a paddock rotation system in Zimbabwe.
Zimbabwe Veterinary Journal, 26(3/4), 89 -101.
26. Siwela A.H., CB Nyathi & YS Naik. (2009). Metal accumulation and antioxidant enzyme activity in O.
mossambicus (Bream) and C. gariepinus (Catfish) collected from Lower Mguza and Wright
Dams, Zimbabwe" Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 83: 648-51.
27. Siwela A.H., Nyathi C.B, and Naik Y.S. 2010. A comparison of metal levels and antioxidant
enzymes in freshwater snails, Lymnaea natalensis, exposed to sediment and water collected from
Wright Dam and Lower Mguza Dam, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. Ecotoxicology and Environmental
Safety (USA) 73: 1728-1732
Abstracts, Posters, Symposia and Conference Papers
28. Nyathi, C.B., Siwela, A.H., Hasler, J.H. and Chetsanga, C.J. (1988). The effect of schistosomiasis on
the covalent binding of 2-acetylamino fluorene to mouse liver macromolecules in vivo and in
vitro. 14th Congress of The International Union of Biochemistry, Prague, Czeckoslovakia, 10 - 15
29. Nyathi, C.B., Mutiro, C.F., Hasler, J.H. and Chetsanga, C.J. (1988). Human exposure to aflatoxins
in Zimbabwe. 3rd Africa Food and Nutrition Congress, Harare, Zimbabwe, 5 - 8 September.
30. Nyathi, C.B., Houweling, M. and Geelen, M.J.H. (1989). Effects of partial hepatectomy on de novo
fatty acid synthesis in rat liver. 19th Meeting of The Federation of European Biochemical
Societies. Rome, Italy, 2 - 7 July.
31. Nyathi, C.B., Dube, Ntombizodwa and Hasler, Julia (1991). Mycotoxins. A paper presented at the
WHO (IARC/IPCS/ILO-Finnida/IOH-Finland) Workshop on "Detection of Health Hazards in Human
Populations Exposed to Chemical Mutagens and Carcinogens". 9 -20 September 1991, Harare,
32. Hasler, Julia A., Naik, Y.S. and Nyathi, C.B. (1991). Interactions between Parasitic Disease and
Chemical Carcinogens with special Reference to Schistosomiasis. A paper presented at the WHO
(IARC/IPCS/ ILO-Finnida/IOH-Finland) Workshop on "Detection of Health Hazards in Human
Populations Exposed to Chemical Mutagens and Carcinogens". 9 - 20 September 1991, Harare,
33. Hasler, J.A., Dube, N, Nyathi, C.B., Fuhrmann, H and Sallmann, H-P. (1994). The influence of
dietary fat on Hepatic bioactivation of aflatoxin B1 in rats. 15th African Health Sciences Congress,
Nairobi Kenya (7 -11 February 1994).
34. Nyathi C B. Metabolism of aflatoxin B1: A synopsis. Hannover Veterinary School. 20 June 1994.
35. Naik, Y.S., Kanyepi, R., Ndiweni, N., Hasler, J.J. and Nyathi, C.B. (1996). Cytosolic Glutathione
Stransferases of ostritch liver. Proceeedings of the Research Council of Zimbabwe Fifth Symposium
on Science and Technology, September 24-26, 1996, Harare, Zimbabwe.
36. Siwela, A.H., Nyathi, C.B., and Naik, Y.S. (2000). A comparison of some anti-oxidant enzymes in
African catfish collected from Umguza and Mzingwane dams, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. Biochemistry
and Molecular Biology Society of Zimbabwe Research Day, 27 October 2000, Harare,
37. Basopo N, Nyathi, C.B., and Naik, Y.S. (2000). Esterase activity of two aquatic snail species
helisoma duryi and lymnaea natalesisi. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Society of Zimbabwe
Research day, 27 October 2000, Harare, Zimbabwe.
38. Siwela AH, Nyathi CB and Naik YS. (2002). Species and sex related differences in antioxidant
enzymes of fish collected from dams around Bulawayo Research Day 2002, Biochemistry and
Molecular Biology Society of Zimbabwe, Harare.
39. Basopo N, Nyathi CB and Naik YS. (2002). In vitro effects of carbaryl and dimethoate on esterases
of Helisoma duryi and Lymnaea natalensis. Research Day 2002, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Society of Zimbabwe, Harare.
40. Naik YS, Basopo N, Nyathi CB. (2002). Pesticide induced alterations in esterase activities of the
freshwater snails Helisoma duryi and Lymnaea natalensis. 10th IUPAC International Congress on
the Chemistry of Crop Protection. Basel, Switzerland.
41. Basopo N, Nyathi, C.B., and Naik, Y.S. (2003). Time dependent effects of pesticide exposure on
esterase activities of two aquatic snails Helisoma duryi and Lymnaea natalensis. International
Conference on Pesticides in Non-target Agricultural Environments; environmental and economic
implications. Cape Town, South Africa.
42. Basopo N, Nyathi CB and Naik YS. (2003). Inhibition of esterase activity in the aquatic vector
Lymnaea natalensis by pirimiphos methyl. 4th Workshop on Medical Malacology in Africa.
Kampala, Uganda.
43. Basopo N, Nyathi CB and Naik YS. (2003). Thionphosphate inhibition of esterase activity in
freshwater snail Helisoma duryi. 4th Conference of the Society of Free Radical Research-Africa,
Bulawayo, Zimbabwe.
44. Naik YS, Basopo N, Nyathi CB. (2003). Dose dependant inhibition of esterase activity in Helisoma
duryi and Lymnaea natalensis. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC)
Europe. 13th Annual Meeting, Hamburg, Germany.
45. Siwela AH, Nyathi CB and Naik YS. (2003). A comparison of antioxidant enzymes and metals in
freshwater snails exposed to Umguza and Wright Dams, Zimbabwe. 4th Conference of the
Society of Free Radical Research-Africa, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe.
46. Siwela AH, Nyathi CB and Naik YS. (2003). Comparison of antioxidant enzyme and metal levels in
fish collected from two dams in Zimbabwe4th Conference of the Pan African Environmental
Mutagen Society. Cairo, Egypt.
47. Siwela AH, Nyathi CB and Naik YS. (2004). Occurrence of trace metals in sediment, plants and
water and bioaccumulation in plants, fish and snails exposed to these elements collected from
Matopo Dam, Zimbabwe. 9th International Chemistry Conference in Africa. Arusha, Tanzania.
48. Basopo N, Nyathi CB and Naik YS. (2004). Molluscan esterase activity as a biomarker of aquatic
pollution caused by monocrotophos. 1st Conference of the African Network for the Chemical
Analyses of Pesticides (ANCAP). Arusha, Tanzania.
49. Basopo N, Nyathi CB and Naik YS. (2004). Esterase activity in the aquatic snail Helisoma duryi
resulting from exposure to monocrotophos under field simulated conditions. Society of
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) Europe. 14th Annual Meeting Prague, Czech
50. Basopo N, Nyathi CB and Naik YS. (2005). Recovery of dose dependent inhibition by
monocrotophos of esterase activity in the aquatic snail Lymnaea natalensis. Society of
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) Europe. 15th Annual Meeting, Lille, France.
51. Basopo N, Nyathi CB and Naik YS. (2007). Effects of technical grade and formulated pesticides
onesterase activity in freshwater snail H duryi. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
(SETAC) Europe. 17th Meeting,Porto,Portugal.
BOOKS (Not Peer reviewed).
53. Biochemistry, 1998. Geelen, M J H and Nyathi, C B, Ndiweni, N and Batenburg, J J: Utrecht
University Reprographic Unit, 339 pages.