Mrs. Josephine Maringa

Mrs. Josephine Maringa

Research Assistant- Forest Resources & Wildlife Managem

Office: Lab11 W

Extension: 2154

Email: [email protected]

BSc (Hons) Forest Resources and Wildlife

Avian influenza; Waterbirds; Vulture conservation.


Publications by Mrs. Josephine Maringa

Cumming GS, Harebottle DM, Mundava J, Otieno N, Tyler SJ. 2016. Timing and location of reproduction in African waterfowl : an overview of >100 year of nest records. Ecology and Evolution 6 : 631­646.

Nsikani MM, Mundava J, Mundy PJ. 2015. Size of black patches and spots on the upperwing and underwing greater secondary coverts in selected feathers are not good indicatoras of age and sex in Cape Vultures Gyps coprotheres. Vulture News 69 : 23­32.

Capelle J, Caron A, Mundava J et al2014. Empirical analysis suggests continuous and homogenous circulation of Newcastle disease virus in a wide range of wild bird species in Africa. Epidemiology and infectionsdoi:10.1017/S095026881400185X

Mundava J, Caron A, Gaidet N, Couto FM, Couto JT, de Garine­Wichatitsky M & Mundy P. 2012. Factors influencing long­term and seasonal waterbird abundance and composition at two adjacent lakes in Zimbabwe. Ostrich (Journal of African Ornithology) 83:  69­77.

Gaidet N, Ould El Mamy AB, Cappelle J, Caron A, Cumming GS, Mundava J, et al,. 2012. Investigating Avian Influenza Infection Hotspots in Old­World Shorebirds. PLoS ONE 7(9): e46049. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0046049

Gaidet N, Caron A, Cappelle J, Cumming G.S, Balança G, Hammoumi S, Cattoli G, Abolnik C, Servan De Almeida R, Gil P, Fereidouni S.R, Grosbois V, Tran A, Mundava J, Fofana B, ould Elmamy B, Mondain­Monval J.Y, Triplet P, Hagemeijer W, Newman S.H, Dodman T. 2011. Understanding the ecological drivers of avain influenza virus infection in wildfowl: a continental­scale study across Africa. Proceedings of the Royal Society London B. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2011.1417. Published online 14 September 2011.

Caron, A., Abolnik, C., Mundava, J., Gaidet, N., Burger, C.E., Mochotlhoane, B., Bruinzeel, L., Ngoni, N., Cumming, G. S. 2010. Persistence of Low Pathogenic Avian Influenza Virus in Waterfowl in an African Ecosystem. EcoHealth DOI: 10.1007/s10393­010­0356­4. Published online 2 December 2010.

Workshops & Conferences

Mundava J and Mundy P. Vultures and traditional medicine. Zimbabwe Vulture Action Plan workshop. 2015. Harare. Zimbabwe. Oral presentation.

Mundava, J. Caron, A. Gaidet, N. de Garine­Wichatitsky, M. Mundy, P. Seasonal variation influence guild structure in African waterbird communities. Pan African Ornithological Congress. 2012Arusha, Tanzania. Oral presentation.

Mundava, J. Caron, A. Gaidet, N. de Garine­Wichatitsky, M. Mundy, P. Breeding seasonality of wild duck species and implications for avian influenza epidemiology: a Zimbabwean case studyWorld veterinary congress. 2011. Cape Town. Oral presentation.

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