Mr. Thulani Sibanda

Mr. Thulani Sibanda

Lecturer - Applied Biology & Biochemistry

Office: SW159

Extension: 2478

Email: [email protected]

MSc Microbiology (UFH, RSA), BSc (Hons) Applied Biology and Biochemistry (NUST)

Microbial stress response and food safety; Predictive Microbiology and risk assessment


Publications by Mr. Thulani Sibanda

Publications In Peer Reviewed Journals

Okagbue RN, Mwenje E, Kudanga T, Siwela M and Sibanda T (2001). Isolation of Aureobasidiumpullulans from Zimbabwean sources and glucosidase activities of selected isolates. South African Journal of Botany. 67(2): Page: 157-160.

Sibanda T and Okoh AI (2008). In vitro antibacterial regimes of crude aqueous and acetone extracts of Garcinia kola seeds. Journal of Biological Sciences. Volume 8(1), Page: 149-154.

Sibanda T and Okoh AI (2007). The Challenges of overcoming antibiotic resistance: Plant extracts as potential sources of resistance modifying agents. African Journal of Biotechnology. Vol. 6 (25), Page: 2886-2896.

Sibanda T and Okoh AI (2008). In vitro evaluation of the interactions between the acetone extract of Garcinia kola seeds and some antibiotics. African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 7 (11), Page: 1672-1678.

Sibanda T, Olaniran AO, Okoh AI. (2010). In-vitro antibacterial activities of crude extracts of Garcinia kola seeds against wound sepsis associated Staphylococcus strains. J. Med. Plants. Res. 4 (3):710–716.

Okoh AI, Sibanda T. and Gusha S. (2010). Inadequately Treated Wastewater as a Source of Human Enteric Viruses in the Environment. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 7(6): 2620 - 2637.

Thulani, Thembekile Ncube, and Nyasha Ngoromani (2015). Rheological Properties and Bread Making Quality of White Grain Sorghum-Wheat Flour Composites. International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition Engineering 5(4): 176-182.

Ncube, N. P. Moyo and T. Sibanda(2015). Production of cellulase by solid state fermentation of brewery spent grains using AspergillusnigerFGSC A733. Zimbabwe Journal of Science & Technology 10:119-127.

Peer-Reviewed Conference Outputs

Sibanda E., Mutenhure F., Soko N. Sibanda T. (2013). Investigating the potential use of water hyacinth (Eichhorniacrassipes) for biogas and organic fertiliser production. In Zimbabwe International Research Symposium 9th Edition Book of Proceedings.pp. 46 -55.

Book Chapters

Dube S., Dlamini N.R., Shereni I., Sibanda T. (2012). Extending the shelf-life of fresh marula fruit juice by manipulation of the physicochemical properties. In Biochemical Testing. Jose C. Jimenez-Lopez (Ed). pp. 187- 196. Intech.

Okoh AI, Sibanda T. and Gusha S. (2016). Inadequately Treated Wastewater as a Source of Human Enteric Viruses in the Environment. In Wastewater and Public Health: Bacterial and Pharmaceutical Exposures. Vincent M. Monsalvo (Ed) pp. 3 – 26. Apple Academic Press, Canada.

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