Mr. Morris Banda
- Courses: 0
- Website: http://www.nust.ac.zw
Office: AG39
Extension: 2177
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
MSc. Sports Science, Stellenbosh University, SA; BSc Hons. Sports Science and Coaching, NUST, Zim; BSc Physical Education and Sport, ZOU, Zim
Physical fitness profiling; Anthropomentry; Indigenous and Traditional Games.
Publications by Mr. Morris Banda
M.P.D Gundani, D. Makaza, L. O. Amusa,. E. M. Tapera Mugandani &. M. Banda. Nyunga : A Clay Figurine Game of the Kalanga People of Zimbabwe. African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance. Volume 16 No3 September 2010 Available : http://www.ajol.info
Gundani M..P.D., Daga Makaza, Amusa L. O., Banda M. Jowe-jowe: Traditional Kalanga girls’ song game. Proceedings of the 9th Biennial Conference of the Africa Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Sport and Dance(AFAHPER-SD), Kyambogo University, Kampala, Uganda (2011). Available: http://kyu.ac.ug/downloads/proceeding.pdf
Abstract accepted for oral presentation: “Physical Fitness of Elite Zimbabwean Football Referees” at the International Congress “Sciences & Football” which will be held 1-4 March 2016 at the University of Valenciennes, France.
Oral presentation: “Nutritional status and physical fitness profiles, knowledge, attitudes, nutritional and physical activity practices of Zimbabwean primary school children”, 3rd Annual Research Day held at the National University of Science and Technology, 30th – 31st July 2015.
Poster presentation: “Cognitive functioning of elite Zimbabwean soccer referees before and and after the Yo-Yo intermittent recovery test”, 14th European Congress of Sport Psychology Organizers, Bern, Switzerland held on the 14th – 19th July 2015.
Oral presentation:“Jowe-jowe: Traditional Kalanga girls’ song game” 9th Biennial Conference of the Africa Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Sport and Dance(AFAHPER-SD), Kyambogo University, Kampala, Uganda held on the 13th – 15th September 2011.
Oral presentation “Nyunga: A clay figurine traditional game of the Kalanga ethnic group of Zimbabwe” 9th Biennial Conference of the Africa Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Sport and Dance(AFAHPER-SD), Kyambogo University, Kampala, Uganda held on the 13th – 15th September 2011.
Oral presentation “Sports news in local media: An analysis of local sports news in some Zimbabwean newspapers”. 1st Edition of the Zimbabwe National Youth Games Scientific Conference, 8th edition of the game held in Gwanda, Zimbabwe held on the 17th of August 2011.
Poster presentation “Improvised athletics hurdle”. 1st Edition of the Zimbabwe National Youth Games Scientific Conference, 8th edition of the game held in Gwanda, Zimbabwe held on the 17th of August 2011.
Poster Presentation “Improvised athletics hurdle” Zimbabwe Research and Intellectual Expo held on the 16th –18th February 2011 Harare, Zimbabwe.