Dr. Philimon Nyamugure

Dr. Philimon Nyamugure

Chairperson, Lecturer - Statistics & Operations Researc

Office: WF19

Extension: 2237

Email: [email protected]

PhD in Statistics & Operations Research (University of Limpopo SA, 2017), MSc in Operations Research (2000-2002), BSc (Hons) in Applied Mathematics (1994-1998), PGDHE (2012-2013) all NUST

Non-Deterministic polynomial hard problems, Statistical surveys

Publications by Dr. Philimon Nyamugure

 Sigauke C., Maposa D., MudimuE., Nyamugure P. (2010).  Volatility modelling using ARIMA-GARCH models in a hyperinflationary economic environment: The Zimbabwean experience. Peer-reviewed Proceedings of the 52nd Annual Conference of the South African Statistical Association for 2010 (SASA 2010,1-14, ISBN: 978-0-620-48708-5". https://sites.google.com/site/sasaconference2010/.

Maposa D., Mudimu E., Sigauke C., Mlilo P., Nyamugure P. and Dube S (2011). Relating Glycaemia Levels in a Zimbabwean Population to some Established Type 2 Diabetes Risk Factors using Multiple Linear Regression Analysis, Archives of Applied Science Research,  3(1), 333-342  ISSN 0975-508X. https://scholarsresearchlibrary.com/aasr-vol3-iss1.html.

Dave Evans, ‘Maseka Lesaoana, Philimon Nyamugure and Caston Sigauke (2011). “O. R roots run deep in Southern Africa”: Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS), 32(2).

Philimon Nyamugure, ‘Maseka Lesaoana (2011). ORSSA Journeys onto the 2011 Conference IFORS Newsletter.5(1). http://ifors.org/newsletter/march2011_web.pdf.

Dave Evans, ‘MasekaLesaoana, Philimon Nyamugure and Caston Sigauke (2011). Operations Research Comes to Zimbabwe in a big way-The ORSSA 2011 conference at Victoria falls, AMSTATNEWS, http://magazine.amstat.org/blog/2011/06/01/or/

Philimon Nyamugure, ‘Maseka Lesaoana and Simon Monyai (2011). Application of Factor Analysis to the 2009 General Household Survey of South Africa. ICASTOR Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 5(1), 133-150. ISSN-0974-195X.

Nyamugure Philimon, Maposa Daniel, Sigauke Caston, Chiyaka Edward and Munjeri Denwick (2011). A holistic application of  capability indices.  African Journal of Business Management. 5(28),1413-11424. November 2011. www.academicjournals.org/AJBM. DOI: 10.5897/AJBM11.280. ISSN 1993-8233.

Daniel Maposa, Philimon Nyamugure, ‘Maseka Lesaoana, Nyasha Nyahwema (2012). Investigating the effects of different grazing ratios and stocking rate of cattle and goats under mixed species grazing on different plant species.  African Journal of Agricultural Research. 7(10), pp1512-1517.

Elias Munapo, Philimon Nyamugure, Maseka Lesaoana and Santon Kumar (2012). A Note on Unified Approach to Transportation and Assignment models in Operations Research. International Journal of Mathematical modeling, Simulation and Applications. 5(2), 140-149 ISSN: 0973-8355.  

Santosh Kumar, Elias Munapo, Ozias Ncube, Caston Sigauke and Philimon Nyamugure (2013). A minimum weight labeling method for determination of a shortest route in a non- directed network. International Journal of Systems Assurance Engineering and Management. 4(1),13-18. DOI 10.1007/s13198-012-0140-7 Springer verlag.

Edward T Chiyaka, Tazvitya Muyendesi, Philimon Nyamugure, Farikai K. Mutasa (2013). Theoretical assessment of the transmission dynamics of Leprosy. Journal of Applied Mathematics. Published online February 2013 (http://www.scirp.org/journal/am)

Musizvingoza R., Mwembe D. and Nyamugure P (2014). A Proportional Hazard model to establish factors that are significant in child survival. International Organisation of Scientific Research (ISOR) Journal of Humanities and Social Sciencies, 19(5)Ver.II 79-87 e- ISSN: 2279-0845.www.iosrjournals.org

Philimon Nyamugure, David C. Zvipore, Edward T. Chiyaka, Farikayi K. Mutasa and Maseka Lesaoana (2014). A Dynamic Programming operations management Algorithm in a tile manufacturing industry: Case study of a Tile Company. International Journal of Scientific and Innovative Mathematical Research (IJSIMR)  2(4) 389-398. ISSN No. 2347-307X(print) and ISSN 2347-3142(online).

Philimon Nyamugure, Siphosenkosi Dube Swene, Edward T. Chiyaka and Farikayi K. Mutasa (2014). Train Schedule Optimisation: A Case Study of the National Railways of Zimbabwe. International Journal of Management Sciences. 3(1),1-20.

Boboh Kamangira, Gesham Magombedze and Philimon Nyamugure (2014). An Analysis of the Effectiveness of Coartemether in the Treatment of Plasmodium Falciparum Malaria. Journal of Mathematical Biosciences 256(2014) 28-41. http://www.elsevier.com/audioslides.

Philimon Nyamugure, Ndava C. Mupondo, Edward T. Chiyaka and Farikayi K. Mutasa (2014). An investigation into the robustness of a decision taken by a rubber conveyor belt manufacturing company. International Journal of Mathematical Research.

Santosh Kumar, Elias Munapo, Maseka Lesaoana and Philimon Nyamugure (2014). A Minimum Spanning Tree Approximation to the Routing Problem through ‘K’ Specified Nodes. Journal of Economics, 5(3), 307-312.

Elias Munapo, Santosh Kumar, Maseka Lesaoana, Philimon Nyamugure (2014). Solving a large-scale LP model with non-negative coefficients: A hybrid search over the extreme points and the normal direction to the given objective function. The Australian Society for Operations Research ASOR Bulletin 33(1), 11-24.

Elias Munapo, , Lesaoana’ Maseka and Philimon Nyamugure, Santosh Kumar (2015). A transportation branch and bound algorithm for solving the generalised assignment problem. International journal System Assurance Engineering and Management, 6(3):217-223. DOI 10.1007/s13198-015-0343-9 Springer. http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=article&id-doi10.1007/s13198-015-0343-9.

David C. Zvipore, Philimon Nyamugure, Daniel Maposa and ‘Maseka Lesaoana (2015). Application of the Equipment Replacement Dynamic Programming Model in Conveyor Belt Replacement: Case Study of a Gold Mining Company. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6(2), 605-612. Doi:10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n2s1p605

Monyai Simon, ‘Maseka Lesaoana, Darikwa Timotheus and Nyamugure Philimon (2015): Application of multinomial logistic regression to educational factors of the 2009 General Household Survey in South Africa, Journal of Applied Statistics (2015) 43(1), 128-139. .

Owen Jakata and Philimon Nyamugure (2015). The Effects of Dividend Policy on Share Prices: Empirical Evidence from the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR). 4(10):674-683.

Elias Munapo, Santosh Kumar, Lesaoana’ Maseka and Philimon Nyamugure (2016).  The Australian Society for Operations Research ASOR Bulletin 34(1): 1-14.

Philimon Nyamugure, Elias Munapo, Santosh Kumar and Maseka Lesaoana (2016). A heuristic for mixed integer program using the Characteristic Equation approach. International Journal of Mathematical, Engineering and Management Sciences 2(1): 1-16. ISSN 2455-7749.

Nyamugure P. Maposa M. Lesaoana’ M. (2016): Application of Non Linear Programming to Locomotive Optimisation: A Case Study of National Railways of Zimbabwe: Universal Journal of Applied Mathematics 4(1): 1-15. DOI:1013189/ujam.2016.040101.

Santosh Kumar, Elias Munapo, Maseka Lesaoana and Philimon Nyamugure (2016). Identification and Application of Virtual Directions in a Non-Directed Network: A Labelling Method for Determination of Maximum Reliability and the Route. Communications in Dependability and Quality Management (CDQM), An international Journal 19(1):85-95.

Elias Munapo, Santosh Kumar, Lesaoana’ Maseka and Philimon Nyamugure (2016). Is the travelling salesman actually NP-hard? Chapter 3 in Engineering and Technology: Recent Innovations and Research, (An international Edition). Editor Ashok Mathani, International Research Publication house pp 37-55. ISBN-978-93-86138-06-4.

Santosh Kumar, Elias Munapo, Maseka Lesaoana, Philimon Nyamugure and Nidhi Agarwal (2017). A Hybrid Strategy for Reducung Feasible Convex Space and the Number of Variables for Solving a Conventional Large LP Model. International Journal of Mathematical and Engineering and Management Sciences 2(4): 213-230. ISSN:2455-7749

Santosh Kumar, Elias Munapo, Maseka Lesaoana and Philimon Nyamugure (2018). A minimum spanning tree based heuristic for the travelling salesman tour. OPSEARCH 55(1) pp 150-164, (DOI 10.1007/s12597-017-0318-5). http://link.springer.com/10.1007/s12597-017-0318-5



Santosh Kumar, Elias Munapo Lesaoana’ Maseka and Philimon Nyamugure; A spanning tree based heuristic to the travelling salesman problem in a completely connected network. Journal of Transport and Supply Chain Management.

Santosh Kumar, Elias Munapo Lesaoana’ Maseka and Philimon Nyamugure;Strategies for reducing feasible space and the number of variables for solving a LP model.



Santosh Kumar, Elias Munapo Lesaoana’ Maseka and Philimon Nyamugure; Some innovations in Operations Research: Linear Optimisation (2018). Publisher LAP LAMBERT academic Publishing. ISBN: 978-613-7-38007-9. Editor: Suresh K. Bhargava.

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