Professor P. Mundy (PI), Tendai Nzuma, Hlengisizwe Ncube, Postgraduate students: Everson Dahwa, Cheryl Mabika, TatendaGotore, Bekezela Nxumalo, Tendai Nekatambe.
About us
The Conservation Ecology Group (CEG) focuses on research programmes on ecological issues and the application of science to conservation throughout southern Africa. CEG serves the interests of the Department of Forest Resources & Wildlife Management at the National University of Science & Technology and benefits from national and international collaboration and interaction with industry. In addition to traditional scientific output in the form of papers and postgraduate students, CEG also provides a platform for the effective development and dispersion of new information.
Research focus
CEG's aims include:
- Maintaining a logistical and financial platform for innovative conservation related ecological research by postgraduate students, research assistants and research fellows,
- Providing industries (conservation, agriculture and forestry) with the expertise and advice to maintain ecological processes as a goal of conservation ecology, and
- Developing community awareness through the dispersion of relevant information to improve the fate of natural systems and southern African societies.
Current activities
- Socio-ecological analysis of CAMPFIRE in western Zimbabwe.
- Conservation networks in Human-dominated landscapes: Restoring a meta-population of Loxodonta Africana.
- Temporal and spatial interactions of African elephants and cattle and their impacts on agricultural practices at the Great Limpopo Transfrontier Conservation Area.
- An assessment of the uptake, relevance and effectiveness of the Human Wildlife Conflict (HWC) Toolkit and implementation a monitoring system for HWC using KoBoCollect in Hwange Communal Area.
- State of the miombo woodlands across land tenure systems in Hurungwe, mid-Zambezi area, Zimbabwe.
- Local Perceptions of Environmental Changes: A Case of the Role of Biodiversity Indicators (tree, birds and other animals) in Hwange District.
- Using footprint analysis as a forensic tool in the mitigation of Human-Wildlife conflict: African painted dog and sympatric species
Zimbabwe National Parks and Wildlife, CIRAD, CNRS, DR & SS, ICRISAT, Forestry Commision, WWF
Recent Publications
Mukamuri B, C. Chirozva, C. Matema, S. Matema and T. Nzuma (2013): Ethnic heterogeneity and its implications for natural resources management on the edge. In Anderson J. A, M. de Garine-Wichatitsky, D.H.M Cumming, V. Dzingirai and K. Giller (eds). Transfrontier Conservation Areas: people living on the edge, Routeledge. New York, 89p.
Nzuma T. and P. Mundy (2013). Attitudes and perceptions towards conservation success of CAMPFIRE in Zimbabwe. In: Proceedings of the 31st biennial Congress of the International Union of Game Biologists (IUGB), Brussels, Belgium.OHH13. page 86.
Harrison E. P, V. Dzigirai, E. Gandiwa, T. Nzuma, B. Masivele and H.T Ndlovu (2015). Progressing community-based natural resource management in Zimbabwe. Policy Brief 35. PLAAS Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies.