
Takaivona Vhimisai


Position: Lecturer

Email address: [email protected]


Takaivona Vhimisai is a Lecturer in the Department of Banking and Economic Sciences, and has served the University in various capacities since 2005. He has several years of experience spanning across the Banking sector, Microfinance sector and the academia. From 2008 to 2019, he served as Chairman of the Department of Banking and, sometimes, doubling up as Acting Dean of the Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences. He therefore actively participated in the conceptualisation and implementation of all Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences initiatives during that period. Since joining NUST, he has lectured extensively on Investments and Derivatives courses at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. As part of his academic work, he has supervised more than 200 undergraduate as well as more than 70 postgraduate dissertations. Mr Vhimisai has contributed towards quality assurance in the tertiary education sector by serving as Chief Examiner as well as External Examiner/Assessor for some higher education institutions in Zimbabwe. He is also a reviewer of manuscripts for a number of academic journals. Mr Vhimisai has been an Associate member of the Institute of Bankers of Zimbabwe since 2002.


Master of Science in Banking and Financial Services(NUST)

Bachelor of Commerce (Hons) in Banking (NUST)

Institute of Bankers of Zimbabwe Diploma (AIBZ) - IOBZ

Courses Taught

Investment Analysis & Portfolio Management; Derivative Securities; Portfolio Theory & Investment Analysis; Investment & Financial Analysis; Financial Management; Financial Management & Policy; Financial Markets & Institutions; Construction Finance; Research Methods and Applied Research Methods, among others.

Research Interests

Bank safety nets, climate finance, informal modes of finance, money laundering & illicit financial flows, gendered approaches to finance, and small business growth and development.

Research Links/Publications

Community Service/Engagement

HEXCO Chief Examiner for Banking and Finance courses (2012 to 2015)

HEXCO External Assessor for Bulawayo Metropolitan Region (2010 - 2014 and 2018 - 2020)

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Representative on the Career Guidance Committee (2007 – 2008)

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Representative on the ZITF Committee (2007 – 2008)

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Representative on the NUST/ZIPAM Board of Studies (2011 – 2019), among others.


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