
Dr. Florance Shumba


Position: Lecturer

Email address: [email protected]


Over 20 years plus working experience in the field of accounting, finance and business management in the industry, international organisations, non- profit organisations (NGO) as Accountant. In academic field 22 plus years’ experience in design, review, lecture, examine, and implement, modules in the accounting and business fields. Experienced in design, implement HIV/AIDS programs, integrate them into the curriculum and research.

Academic Qualifications

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD): Master of Business Administration (Accounting & Finance)

BSc Accounting & Finance

Diploma in Accounting;

Diploma Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrator (U.K)  University

Post Graduate Diploma in Higher Tertiary Education


Courses Taught

Financial accounting; Financial Reporting; Advanced Financial Accounting; Public Sector Accounting; Auditing; Taxation; Information Systems; Accounting Information Systems; Financial Statement Analysis; Financial Management; Accounting For Non Accountancy; Cost and management accounting and Research methodology.


Research interests

Financial Management; Auditing; Corporate Governance; Multi sector applied Accounting; Health programs; Company valuation and analysis; Check Research Gate



Florance Shumba & Juvenalis Tembo (2022). Assessing the Contribution of the level of Knowledge and Awareness of HVI/AIDS Prevention Intervention Programs in Higher Tertiary Institutions: International Journal of Innovative Science and Technology, 7(9), 212-223;

Charumbira, Judith & Shumba, Florance & Shava, George & Ndlovu, Mlisa. (2022). Upstream Supply Chain Coordination on performance of Zimbabwean Agro Processing Sector: a Transaction Cost Theory Approach. 2454-6186.

Florance Shumba, Amos Mpofu (2023) Analysis for a secondary stock market to cater for small to medium businesses in Zimbabwe: International Journal of Innovative Science and Technology


Community Service Engagement

Work with community based organisation dealing with street children; women gender based violence; women business empowerment.


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