
Dr. Kudakwashe Chirambwi


Position: Senior Lecturer

Email: [email protected]


Dr Kudakwashe Chirambwi is an active researcher, with a particular interest in the mutually reinforcing intersections of peace, security and development. He has a strong background in training, researching and evaluating in a variety of conflict and security backgrounds in different countries. As a founder and coordinator of the Peace, Leadership and Conflict Transformation Programme at the National University of Science and Technology (NUST), Zimbabwe, Dr. Chirambwi has supported the production of knowledge at a global.

Academic Qualifications

PhD in Peace, Security & International Development University of Bradford (UK) 2019

Post-Graduate Diploma in Research Methods for the Social Sciences University of Bradford (UK) 2016

Graduate Certificate in Conflict Transformation Eastern Mennonite University (USA) 2014

Master in Peace and Governance Africa University 2007

Bachelor of Divinity Africa University 1994

Courses Taught

Leadership and Conflict Transformation

Research Methods

Training and Development

Research interests

The intersections of peace, security and development in community and global conflicts. Examining the impacts of climate change on community conflicts and how to decolonise research methodologies.

Research links

(ORCHID,GoogleScholar,Research Gate)


Refereed Journals

Chirambwi, K (2024) “Return us where we can hunt and gather”: hierarchies and social structures that sustain exclusion of San minority in Zimbabwe. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal: Vol. 43, Issue 9.

Chirambwi, K (2023) Rethinking research methods in protracted violent conflicts in Mozambique: Fieldwork in complex emergencies. Journal of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management: Vol. 13, Issue 2, pp. 56-79


Chirambwi, K (2023) Conceptualising Social Conflict Complexities: Dilemmas and New Perspectives on Zimbabwe—Lesotho—South Africa Identity Conflict Journal of Transdisciplinary Peace Praxis. Vol. 5 No. 1 pp. 89-110.

Chirambwi, K (2023) Constraints on peace research in war-torn situations: Gabo Adelgado, Mozambique. Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace Research. Vol. 16 Issue 1. pp. 92-122.

Chirambwi, K (2022) Understanding and addressing femicide in peacetime Zimbabwe. Peace Review Vol. 34, No. 1, pp. 263-269)

Chirambwi, K (2021) (A)symmetrical conflict between medical doctors and traditional and faith healers in the era of Covid-19 in rural communities of Zimbabwe. Journal for Peace and Justice Studies Vol 30, Issue 1/2, pp. 187-207

Chirambwi, K. (2018) The intrigue of peace education in Africa. Peace Review 30:3, 312-321

Chirambwi, K. (2018) The Zimbabwe Republic Police Women Network: From theoretical exhortations to practical measures. Stability Operations Lessons Learned & Information Management System: Inclusive peacebuilding: Working with communities 9 (2) 19-22.

Chirambwi, K. (2017) Zimbabwe Republic Police Women Network: Leadership and adaptability, International Journal of Emergency Services 6 (3), 220-230.

Chirambwi, K. (2016) Militarizing police in complex public emergencies. Peace Review 28 (2), 171-177.

Chirambwi, K. (2014) Linkages of party-state relation to political economy: Do Zimbabweans know what should change? Zimbabwe Journal of Political Economy 1 (1), 42-55.

Chirambwi, K. (2009) Rural women, law and property rights in Zimbabwe. International Journal on Gender and Development 6 (1) 55-70

Book Chapters

Chirambwi, K. (2024) Extending the Frontiers of Social Science Research and Knowledge Production in Africana Studies. In Crystal L. Edwards and Abul Pitre, New Perspectives in Africana Studies: San Francisco, San Francisco State University

Chirambwi, K. (2024) China in Zimbabwe: Optimists, Caustionists and Radicals? In Sabella Ogbobode Abidde, China and the Chinese in Africa. New York: Routledge

Chirambwi, K. (2023) Understanding and Addressing Femicide in Peacetime Zimbabwe. In Shalva Weil, Femicide in War and Peace. New York: Routledge.

Chirambwi, K. (2021) Governmentality of China in Africa: A new scramble through Road and Belt Initiatives. In Ukelina, B. (editor). Old Wine in New Bottles: The New Scramble. Leuven: Leuven University Press

Chirambwi, K (2021) Police and policing pandemic in Zimbabwe: From what is routinely important to what works.  In Charles, G. and Smith, J. (editors). Global Voices for Change: Policing for the Common Good. Aptos: Cabrillo College.

Chirambwi, K. (2021) EU-Africa partnerships: Discursive disruptions and connections. In Marco Zoppi (editor). Tight Embrace. London: Rowman and Littlefield.

Chirambwi, K. (2021) The belt and road initiative in Africa: But what kind of developmental power does China have? In Falola, T. and Yacob-Haliso (editors). Between Imperialism and Partnership in Humanitarian Development. London: Rowman & Littlefield.

Chirambwi, K. (2019) The intrigue of peace education in Africa. In Donahoe, M. (editor) Teaching Peace and War: Pedagogy and Curricula London: Routledge.

Chirambwi, K (2019) The political economy of policing in Zimbabwe: Changing roles, practice and identities in relationship to peace, security and development. England. Bradford Scholars

Chirambwi, K. and Nare, R. (2018) Policing in the borderlands of Zimbabwe. In Alemika, E., Ruteere, M., and Howell, S. (editors) Policing reform in Africa: Moving towards a rights-based approach in a climate of terrorism, insurgency and serious violent crime. Cape Town: African Policing Civilian Oversight Forum.

Chirambwi, K. (2017) Addressing the healing needs of youth militia in Zimbabwe. In Harris, G. and Kaye, S. (editors) Building peace via action research: African case studies: South Africa: Africa Regional Programme of United Nations University for Peace.

Chirambwi, K. (2016) Police legitimacy conflicting centres: Policing in Southern Africa. In Egharevba, S. (editor) Police Brutality, Racial Profiling, and Discrimination in the Criminal Justice System. Hersshey. IGI Global.

Community Service Engagement

Dr Chirambwi has conducted community outreach programme in a variety of conflict backgrounds in different countries, undertaken with funding from international organisations, including the John & Elnora Ferguson Centre for African Studies (JEFCAS), United Nations, Global Affairs Canada and Mennonite Central Committee.


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