
Dr Edson Mbedzi


Email address: [email protected]

Phone: 0292-282842 ext 2095


Dr Edson Mbedzi has been in academia for over two decades, having joined the University in 2002 as a Part-time lecturer while working for an international bank in Zimbabwe. Before being a Chairperson, Edson served in the Department as a senior lecturer, examinations coordinator and a member of the University’s Termination of Studies and Appeal Committee representing the Faculty. He currently sits on the following University’s Committees; Senate, Faculty Board, Higher Degrees, Departmental Advisory Board and chairs the Departmental Board. Edson has published several articles in international peer-reviewed journals and presented papers at international conferences. He is also an external examiner for several Universities. 

Academic Qualifications

PhD Economics, University of Fort Hare, RSA

MPhil Development Finance, Stellenbosch University, RSA

MSc Banking and Financial Services, NUST, Zimbabwe

B.Comm (Hons) Risk Managemen and Insurance, NUST, Zimbabwe

Courses Taught

International finance, financial econometrics & data analysis, local government finance & decentralisation, international finance and trade, and research methods

Research interests

SME financing and informal financial services 

Development Finance

Local government governance

Research Links

Google Scholar:



Community Service Engagement

Edson actively participates in community engagement. In addition to the Department, Faculty and the University’s Senate representation, Edson is part of the 2024 Local Authorities Budgets and Tariffs National Approval Team under the Ministry of Local Government, Public Works and National Housing. He is a government consultant for the ongoing local authorities' quarterly performance review exercise under the same Ministry. Edson also represents academics in the Annual General Meeting of Commissioners of the Securities and Exchange Commission of Zimbabwe (SECZim) and manages the MOAs for ZIMRA and Ba Isago University which fall under his portfolio. 


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