Dr. Mandlenkosi Maphosa
- Courses: 0
- Website: https://www.nust.ac.zw/commerce
CONTACTS: [email protected];
PhD Sociology (Rhodes University, South Africa, MA (University of Leeds, United Kingdom), MA, BA Hons (University of Zimbabwe)
TAUGHT COURSES: MSc Development Studies: Dimensions of Poverty Reduction and Gender and Development
RESEARCH INTERESTS: human development and more specifically the areas of food systems, climate science, livelihoods, gender, poverty, migration, and governance
SUPERVISION: Supervised over 50 MSc candidates in Development Studies.
Dr. Mandlenkosi Maphosa is a lecturer at the Institute of Development Studies where he researches under the Development, Migration, and Governance thematic unit. He is a versatile academic and development management consultant whose research interests span the broad subject of human development and more specifically the areas of food systems, climate science, livelihoods, gender, poverty, migration, and governance. Dr Maphosa is a competent researcher who brings a wealth of experience in research problem formulation, management of the research process, data collection, processing, analysis, and presentation. He is also an accomplished development management consultant with expertise in project/program evaluation at different phases, gender analysis, and organizational strategy development amongst other things. Dr. Maphosa is also a highly trained and competent linguist who offers professional services in translation, editing, report writing, and rapporteur.
PUBLICATIONS: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=eNAVxEoAAAAJ&hl=en; https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Mandlenkosi-Maphosa-2
CONSULTANCIES AND COMMISSIONED RESEARCH: Has carried out several consultancy activities for different entities including local, regional, and international development organisations, UN agencies, government departments, and agencies.
PROFESSIONAL BODIES: Development Studies Association of Zimbabwe; South African Development Studies Association; International Society for Development and Sustainability (ISDS); Southern Africa Society for Disaster Risk Reduction (SASDiR); Scaling Up Nutrition Research and Academia Platform (SUNRAP).