
Dr. Funa Moyo

Lecturer / Researcher and MPhil & Phd Coordinator

1.FULL NAME: Dr. Funa Moyo

Senior Lecturer / Researcher and MPhil & PhD Coordinator

  1. CONTACTS: [email protected] / [email protected]

38 Duncan Road, Suburbs, Bulawayo

 Cell 00263772323618

  1. Short Biography

Funa Moyo holds a PhD in Public and Development Management from the University of Witwatersrand, Masters of Science in Development Studies from the National University of Science and Technology and a Master of Education in Educational Administration, Planning and Policy Studies from Zimbabwe Open University. He is senior lecturer and researcher under the Institute of Development Studies, Faculty of Commerce at NUST.  He is interested in natural resource governance, environmental management and development, social capital, sustainable livelihoods and rural development, risk reduction, resilience building and disaster management. He has published in number of international journals refereed and peer-reviewed journals. He is involved in the implementation of the LIPS-ZIM project. He is also involved in the WFP and NUST partnership through the Seasonal Livelihood Programming (SLP) project focused on empowering local authorities on community based planning, resilience building and food security enhancement.


PhD in Public and Development Management, MSc Development Studies (NUST), M.Ed. Management (ZOU), B.Ed. (UZ), BA Hon HIV & AIDS Behavioural Studies (UNISA RSA) Dip Disaster Management. Cert in Education (UZ)

  • Development Planning, Monitoring, and Evaluation MDS 5201
  • The Natural Environment and Development MDS 5104
  • Emergency Planning, Exercise Design and Evaluation MDM 5302

Previous Courses

  • Research Methods MDM/MDS 5204
  • Rights Based Programming 5202


  • Supervised 8 Diploma students in Development Studies and Disaster Management from the Institute of Development Studies -UST 2011-2019.
  • Supervised 52 Master's and Post Graduate students in Development Studies and Disaster Management from the Institute of Development Studies -UST 2011-2022.
  • Have supervised 12 MBA and Masters students from the Graduate School of Business, NUST. 

Currently co-supervising 1 PhD candidate, 1 MPhil student from UZ, 9 Masters students in Disaster Management and 6 Development Studies


  • External Examiner of a PhD Thesis project (GSB, NUST, Faculty of Commerce) (2023).
  • External examination of an MSc project (Pretoria University) (2020)
  • External Examiner for the University of Pretoria, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Development Studies. South Africa (1 project).
  • External examination of MSc projects National University of Science and Technology (GSB) (2018-2021).
  • External Examiner for GSB, NUST, Faculty of Commerce (14 MSc projects).
  • External examination of MSc projects (Zimbabwe Open University) (2018-2021).
  • Zimbabwe Open University, Bulawayo Region, Zimbabwe. External Examiner for ZOU (20 BSc projects).



Natural resource governance, public policy, Social capital, Extraction of Natural resources, artisanal and large-scale mining, sustainable livelihoods and rural development, Food security and irrigation farming, community development, environmental management, risk reduction, resilience building and disaster management. Public health, Educational management, environmental management and development, Conflict Transformation and Peace Building.




Dr Funa Moyo

ORCID ID: 0000-0002-7870-0133


Book Chapters

  • Chasokela, D and Moyo, F., (2024). Barriers Facing Engineering Graduates Towards Employability: The Zimbabwean Context. DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-5483-4.ch003. Publisher: IGI Global
  • Accepted pending publication: Moyo, F., Ncube, M., Mabhena, C. and Ncube, V., 2024. Mining and Development in southern Zimbabwe: Myth or Reality in Gwanda District IN BOOK: Current Progress Arts and Social Studies Research Book.

Peer Reviewed Journal Articles

  • Bongo, P. P, Chingura, P, Sithole M and Moyo, F. (2012). A rights-based analysis of disaster risk reduction framework in Zimbabwe and its implications for policy and practice. Jamba, Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction Studies, Volume 5 Issue 2, Article No 81. Potchefstroom, South Africa.
  • Bongo, P. P., Chipangura, P, Sithole, M, Moyo, F (2013). Dynamics of configuring and interpreting the disaster risk script: Experiences from Zimbabwe. Jamba, Journal of     Disaster Risk Reduction Studies. Vol 5, No 2 (2013), 10 pages, Published: 2013-08-   12.
  • Moyo, F. and Mabhena, C. (2014). Harnessing Mineral Resources in Gwanda District of Zimbabwe: A Myth or a Reality? International Letters of Social and Humanistic      Sciences 27 (2014) 1-21
  • Mabhena, C and Moyo, F. (2014). Community Share Ownership Trust scheme and empowerment: The case of Gwanda Rural district, Matabeleland South Province in Zimbabwe. IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science (IOSR-JHSS) Volume 19, Issue 1, Ver. XI (Feb. 2014), PP 72-85 e-ISSN: 2279-0837, p-ISSN: 2279-0845.
  • Ndlovu, T., Moyo, F, Zikhali, W, and Mabhena, C. (2015). Farmer participation: A drive towards sustainable agricultural production in Makwe irrigation scheme, Zimbabwe.   Global Journal of Agricultural Economics, Extension and Rural Development. ISSN: 2408-5480 Vol. 3 (9), pp. 308-320,
  • Dube, N., Moyo, F., Sithole, M., Ncube, G., Nkala, P., Tshuma, N., and Maphosa, M. (2016) The Institutional Exclusion and the Tragedy of the Commons: Artisanal Mining in Matabeleland South Province, Zimbabwe. The Extractive Industries and Society 3, 1084-1094. 2016.
  • Moyo, F, Ndlovu, T, Francis. B, and Ncube, M (2018). The Effects of Artisanal Mining on Irrigation Farming. The Case of Umzinyathini Irrigation Scheme in Umzingwane       District, Southern Matabeleland, Zimbabwe. African Journal of Public Affairs, Volume 10 number 2. June 2018.
  • Ncube., M, Moyo, F., Mamhute, S.T., (2021). Unpacking Negative Externalities of Social Capital in the Sustainability of Smallholder Rural Irrigation Farming: The Case of Rozva Irrigation Scheme in Bikita District, Zimbabwe. International Journal of Social Science and Human Research, 4(12), 3921-3929. DOI: 10.47191/ ijsshr/v4-i12-64.        ISSN(print): 2644-0679, ISSN(online): 2644-0695.
  • Moyo, F, Ncube, M &; Ndlovu, T., (2022). The Competing Nature-Based Livelihood Strategies: Artisanal Small-Scale Mining (ASM) Perspectives in Agricultural-    Communities in Umzingwane District, Zimbabwe. AJOPAES, Vol. 1, (No. 2), December     2022, pp 171-199. DOI:
  • Moyo, F., Ncube., M & Mamhute, S.T., (2023). Attaining Sustainable Smallholder Irrigation-farming and Rural-livelihoods through Social-capital: Post FastLand-Reform (FTLR) Perspectives from Rozva Irrigation Scheme, Bikita, Zimbabwe. AJOPAES, ISSN 2753-3174 (Print) ISSN 2753-3182 (Online) Indexed by Sabinet. Vol. 2, (No. 2), December 2023 pp 109-132. DOI:
  • Chasokela, D and Moyo, F., (2024). Barriers Facing Engineering Graduates Towards Employability: The Zimbabwean Context. DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-5483-4.ch003. Publisher: IGI Global
  • Dube. Z, Moyo. F and Ncube, M N (2024). A Comparative Assessment Of Antiretroviral Therapy Patients’ Support Groups In Mangwe And Nkulumane Districts Of Zimbabwe. African Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Research, ISSN: 2689-5129.
  • Accepted Pending Publication: Ncube, M., Moyo, F., Mathe, T. and Ncube, V., 204. Student-Involvement Trends (SIT) for Quality-Assurance in Higher Education among STEM Institutions, Zimbabwe. International Journal of Research in Social Science and Humanities (IJRSS) ISSN:2582-6220, Vol. ….(…). Pp….
  • Accepted Pending Publication: Ncube, M., Ncube, M.B., Mpofu, T., Moyo, F., Nkala, P. and Makwati, L.B., 2024. Critical Political Economy and Zimpapers Chronicle’s Footprint in Purging Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa from ZANU-PF Government: Media-Framing of the 9 Provincial-Youth Interface-Rallies (PYIR) 2017, Journal of African films and Diaspora Studies (JAFDIS) (Research on African Films, Diaspora Studies, Performance Arts and Communication Studies), DOI:


  • Lead Consultant: UNDP Funded Ecumenical Church Leader’s Forum’s Peace and Conflict Transformation Programme, Bulawayo, March 2011-2012.
  • Facilitated a 3-day participatory strategic plan workshop with the representation of key interest groups of the organization, board members, and staff members of ECLF.
  • Lead Consultant: Mid-Term Impact Evaluation of a CONTACT Family Counselling
  • Centre Project Strengthening Child Protection in Bulawayo and Matabeleland regions with emphasis on Child Sexual Abuse response and prevention-continuation (January  2018 to June 2019) Project Number: A-ZWE-2017-0333 in 2019.
  • Lead Consultant: Consultancy to develop an Organisational Results Framework for Sexual Rights Centre (SRC) Programmes in Bulawayo in 2019.
  • Lead consultant: UN Women funded Spotlight Initiative project (under pillar 6) with special emphasis on strengthening and coordinating movements to end violence against women and girls in Matabeleland South Province Programme, 2021.
  • Researcher: Artisanal mining and environmental sustainability: Project implemented by; Ali-Douglas Research Network, Open Society Initiative of Southern Africa, Institute of Developmental Studies (IDS) National University of Science and Technology (NUST) and Lupane State University,2014-2015.
  • Researcher: GOAL Zimbabwe, Baseline study on food security issues in Manicaland district in Zimbabwe, 2012.
  • Researcher/Facilitator: UN World Food Programme-Sustainable Livelihood Programming National Programme, 2019-2024.
  • Researcher: LIPS Zim Livestock Production National Research Programme, 2022- 2024.


  • Bongo, Pathias P, Paul Chipangura, Mkhokheli Sithole, Funa Moyo. 2012. Dynamics of Configuring and Reading the Disaster Risk Script: Experiences from Zimbabwe    Theme: Risk Assessment and Early Warning. Paper presented to the Southern Africa       Society for Disaster Reduction, First Biennial Conference, North-West University, 10 –    12 October 2012. Potchefstroom, South Africa.
  • Bongo, Pathias P, Paul Chipangura, Mkhokheli Sithole, Funa Moyo. 2012. A Rights-Based Analysis of Disaster Risk Reduction Framework in Zimbabwe and Its   Implications for Policy and Practice. Theme: Governance of Disaster Risk Reduction.      Paper presented to the Southern Africa Society for Disaster Reduction, First Biennial Conference, North-West University, 10 – 12 October 2012. Potchefstroom, South Africa.
  • Bongo, Pathias P, Paul Chipangura, Mkhokheli Sithole, Funa Moyo. 2012. Dynamics of Culture and Climate Change and their Implications on Livelihoods: Experiences from Rural Zimbabwe. Theme: Climate Change Adaptation. Paper presented to the Southern Africa Society for Disaster Reduction, First Biennial Conference, North-West    University, 10 – 12 October 2012. Potchefstroom, South Africa.
  • Funa Moyo and Clifford Mabhena, 2013. Community Share Ownership Trust Scheme and Empowerment: The case of Gwanda Rural district, Matabeleland South Province in Zimbabwe. Theme: Citizenship, Governance, and Community. Paper presented to the SADSA Biennial Conference, University of Johannesburg, 5-6 September 2013, Johannesburg, South Africa.
  • Funa Moyo. 2015. PhD (Poster Presentation). Contributions of Artisanal Gold Mining to Rural Household Livelihoods. The Case of Southern Matabeleland, Zimbabwe the   University of the Witwatersrand, Annual Cross-Faculty Conference held in October 2015, Johannesburg South Africa.


  • Contact Family Counselling Centre Board Chair
  • Member of Contact Counselling Centre since 2016
  • Reviewed the HEXCO National Counselling Curriculum for the Certificate and Diploma programme, together with officials from the Ministry of Higher Education for Contact Family Counselling Centre. (2021)
  • Helped Contact to produce a National Credited Certificate and a Diploma in Counselling (2024)
  • Researcher/Facilitator: UN World Food Programme-Sustainable Livelihood Programming National Programme, 2019-2024.
  • Researcher: LIPS Zim Livestock Production National Research Programme, 2022- 2024.
  • Lead Researcher: LIPS Zim Livestock Production, National Research Programme, 2024.
  • Mobilised the Community to establish a VSL for community empowerment and livelihood enhancement in Umguza Ward 7.

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